Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] always wanted " in BNC.

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1 And everyone reckoned it was the album that Talk Talk had always wanted to make .
2 The master of titters , Frankie had always wanted to be noticed , that 's why during shows for the troops during World War Two he changed the a in his surname to an e .
3 Maggie had always wanted to drive and passed her test first time .
4 Karen had always wanted to travel and see the world .
5 A one time marine and lifelong sailor Bob Shepton has always wanted to sail around the world … for three years he 's been planning and preparing for this voyage …
6 Bill and Rita had always wanted a Victorian house — they used to live in a 1930s semi and spent four years trying to make it look Victorian .
7 He was the sort of son that Sophie Grenfell had always wanted , the pity of it all , from his mother 's point of view , was that he was the younger son .
8 After all , people have always wanted to do violence to those who stood in their way when they were attempting to commit robberies ; but they have been bound by certain conventions of which they were unaware .
9 ( Every man has always wanted to marry his mother , before and since Oedipus . )
10 Her great painful and ecstatic climaxes make us at last to know something the man has always wanted to know …
11 Belinda 's father had of necessity bought a rather characterless cream brick house in the outer suburb where his hardware shop was located , and Belinda had always wanted to live in one of these gracious old places , which were larger , more urban versions of the old farmhouse near Emerald where she had spent her childhood .
12 The King of Blefuscu has always wanted to defeat Lilliput in war , and now we hear that he 's prepared a large number of ships , which will attack us very soon .
13 The Swedish star has always wanted to play in this country and is desperate to stay .
14 IT WAS what Diana has always wanted … official acceptance by the Palace that her marriage is not a good one .
15 Noreen has always wanted to drive a big American truck .
16 Keith has always wanted to be an athlete .
17 Twoflower had always wanted to meet an elf .
18 Bernard had always wanted a Swiss Buser and as we only had to pay £1,500 for it he was very impatient to see it work , like a small boy with a new toy .
19 The public has always wanted good British films , not the million-pound ‘ epics , which so often bore them , but the good , honest , unpretentious stories in which we have shown such promise — the records of everyday life .
20 But America has always wanted Israel to give up some of the occupied territory , and has grown keener since the start of a desperate revolt by the occupied people .
21 ‘ And Rohan has always wanted La Tour Monchauzet .
22 Moreover , since teachers usually travel free , there is a sneaking suspicion that many exotic trips owe their genesis less to the intrinsic fascination of the flora and fauna than to the fact that the geography master has always wanted to visit Thailand .
23 The Rowlands had always wanted to farm and revelled in the return to a rural community in 1966 after a sojourn in suburban England , where , Gareth says incredulously , he had to pay to play rugby .
24 Ianthe had always wanted a house of her own and as soon as she had shut the door behind her she forgot the lonely homecoming in the pleasure she still felt at seeing her furniture and possessions in their new setting .
25 ‘ Your mother has always wanted you to do what you want but she will insist that you can only stay here if you have a job .
26 I remembered that Charlie had always wanted to know how prices in Chelsea compared with those in Whitechapel , so I decided to find out for him .
27 Consumers had always wanted bigger cars , holidays in places that were further away from home , bigger refrigerators , larger homes and well-lit amusement parks .
28 My mother took the little girl into our family , and Elizabeth became the daughter that my mother had always wanted .
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