Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] though " in BNC.

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1 When he woke , sweating and exhausted , with his heart thudding as though he had been running , it was properly morning .
2 Most initiatives arose from the ‘ movement left ’ — that amorphous network of local groupings , cultural ventures and autonomous campaigns that was the legacy of the libertarian revolts of the late 1960s and early 1970s — rather than from within the existing labour movement ( apart from the Institute for Workers ' Control , which in the mid-1970s looked as though it might become a major national forum for the newer movements of the 1970s and the earlier generation of intellectuals and trade unionists who had quit the Communist Party after 1956 ) .
3 The zeds of the fire-escapes looked as though they were used in earnest twice a week they were grimed to a cinder .
4 That hair looks as though it 'll take a lot of coping with . ’
5 I suppose both of them were silent ; but I thought that O looked as though something was almost over , as if he was ending somehow .
6 His hair , by contrast , fell untidily to his shoulders and his patchy beard looked as though it had been stuck on at random .
7 His voice was low , but he was breathing harder and his eyes gleamed as though he held Tug in a trap .
8 Indeed , why is so much that is trivial in organizations treated as though it were a state secret ?
9 He could not keep still and his eyes reddened as though at any moment he might burst into tears .
10 Many of the pastures looked as though dandelions were being grown commercially , for they formed carpets of unbroken yellow .
11 It flew well , however , the radio transmitter failed , this added to the mysterious contamination of the ground fuel supply , the actual Atlantic attempt looked as though it would be delayed .
12 In 1928 Green and Mellanby noted that though vitamin A was then known as the growth promoting vitamin , evidence from animal studies showed it was also an anti-infective vitamin .
13 Jackson Chatterton stirred as though he proposed to clean up the mess himself , but I waved him down and kept my eyes on Rickie .
14 The superintendent grimaced as though her nostrils had suddenly detected a bad smell .
15 ‘ Oh , my , ’ Vitor murmured , the corner of his mouth twitching as though he found her vehemence entertaining .
16 This time there was a prolonged muttering that sounded like a complaint and the rags shook as though in anger .
17 She makes love with her eyes closed as though she is trying not to look at him .
18 Erm but this this this doorway , does this doorway look as though it 's always been here ?
19 Reginald de Grey reckoned every Welshman a thief and an outlaw , and had his borders patrolled as though against the entire army of France , in great measure creating the animosity and disorder he saw everywhere ; and this company might be no more than a routine patrol meant to impress and intimidate on his usual terms .
20 Pausing to watch the big man stride away , his broad shoulders bent as though beneath a great weight , Tilly despaired that she could do nothing to help him .
21 A meeting of minds that produced the deliriously demented ‘ Scumbag ’ , where Yoko sounds as though she is having a demonic possession as Lennon bellows out ‘ SCUMBAG !
22 With strings and piano , all restraint vanished , and we heard a fantastic balance of wildness , sophistication and seeming improvisation — the last movement 's mad little melodies sounded as though hurled to the sky , to settle softly , for the work 's curiously inconclusive finish .
23 She had a little pug-like dog who wore an expression of perpetual outrage , its eyes bulging as though someone had just said something unforgivable to it .
24 At first beginners may find that after about five minutes their legs feel as though they were burning , and they may begin to shake .
25 And then the silence of the hillside was rent by a further sound , a high buzzing at first like a gigantic and enraged wasp , and then a roar and a rending of the air , so that Molly felt as though she were standing on the bridge of a warship and some huge Exocet missile was being hurled in her direction .
26 Her limbs ached and mouth tasted as though some incubus had emptied the contents of an ashtray into it while she had been asleep .
27 Shiona felt as though a bomb had gone off in her face .
28 Earlier however Kelburne looked as though they were going to walk all over the young Aberdonians when they raced into a 2-0 advantage from scores by David McKay and Michael Starling but a goal by Philip Webster just before half time gave the northerners a timely boost .
29 At the thought of those tears , my eyes felt as though they were being crushed and I wished that that moment would last forever .
30 Out of this splendid , imperishable lantern the deep eyes glared as though a stranger and a savage inhabited the dwelling an angel had abandoned .
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