Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [being] seek " in BNC.

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1 The procedure works by requiring the user to present the edge of a light card , ( the lower edge if the horizontal sides of the view field are being sought , the righthand edge if the vertical sides are required ) .
2 External funds are being sought for the filming and indexing work .
3 It is likely that a total of around 30 job losses are being sought from a total of 150 employees , following the company 's recent extensive review of current operations and future opportunities .
4 ENTRIES from the North-East are being sought for the Royal Mail 's twin town award scheme , which aims to find the best link between a British community and a foreign counterpart .
5 A member of the mineral trade association is being sought to ensure that there is also adequate linkage with the commercial sector .
6 If ‘ we hear the key turn each in his prison ’ , it may be a satisfaction to find occasionally that entry rather than closure is being sought ; for while he had a great many acquaintances and , as his fame increased , hundreds who wanted to meet him if only in order to say they had done so , he lacked relationships which were simple , straightforward , and stable .
7 A LITTLE boy with stars in his eyes is being sought by the Lyric Theatre to appear in an Arthur Millar play .
8 His appointment underlines the commitment with which harmonisation of relationships is being sought amongst those at Lord 's .
9 Second , an appreciation is being sought of the inter-relationship between organisations by appraising the resources needed ( eg legal , economic and information resources ) , their origins , the way in which they are distributed and the inter-organisational network within which these transactions take place .
10 He said the company would decide around the middle of the year whether to go ahead with a major re-engineering of the advanced turboprop aircraft and revealed that launch aid was being sought from the Department of Trade and Industry .
11 Bull sources nevertheless told Reuter some kind of partnership was being sought for Zenith.Bull is included on the list of state-controlled companies France wants to privatise .
12 Members from all areas in accounting and audit are being sought to join a group to help influence the development of electronic data interchange in a way that takes into account the profession 's requirements in the UK and Europe .
13 ‘ The Hidden Folk are being sought out once again , and driven from the city . ’
14 The planning application has been pulled in for , for final er consideration and er as joint planning authority the news of Hertfordshire County Council are being sought .
15 Apparently more adherents are being sought .
16 Additional ancillary services such as data interpretation , preparation of customised products , and materials handling for logging and treatment of borehole core were being sought as a spin-off from regular project work .
17 Reference is being sought on motion three O eight , does Scotland agree to reference ?
18 Reference is being sought on two two nine , Northern Region prepared to refer .
19 Composite motion four er reference is being sought .
20 Reference is being sought .
21 Colleagues , motion three nine four , reference is being sought with the G M B Scotland agree , thanks very much .
22 Motion one seven eight , reference is being sought and I understand that Liverpool have agreed .
23 Active partnership with the private sector is being sought to redress this imbalance .
24 The cooperative 's future plans include fish farming ( for which EEC assistance is being sought ) , a bakery , and possibly a laundry .
25 Funding for the ecological study will come from the BMC and Land 's End and assistance is being sought from the Penwith Peninsula Project , a body dedicated to conserving the area 's unique landscape .
26 I do not think that Boots ' sponsorship helped the RNA , because it served to shut out the rest of the trade , but now that Boots has withdrawn and a new sponsor is being sought there is an opportunity to boost the award .
27 However , sponsorship is being sought for the next term and it is hoped sufficient funding will be secured to avoid a repeat fee .
28 Simmonds also said that World Bank help was being sought to aid the troubled state-owned sugar industry .
29 Moreover , frameworks are being sought which may open new doors .
30 An offeror wishing to approach a wider group ( eg where an offeror consortium is being organised or where irrevocable undertakings are being sought ) should consult the Panel .
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