Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [vb pp] available " in BNC.

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1 Also of interest is computer use during consultations , where patient notes are made available and up-dated using a desk-top terminal .
2 As training programmes are made available , and on-the-job experience builds up , it is anticipated that both maintenance and operations staff will take on a wider range of tasks .
3 Design documents include drawings , photographs and computer data and the effect of section 51 is to remove copyright protection from semiconductor topographies leaving the amended design right with its limited duration as the only form of legal protection , apart from the law of confidence which will protect until , at least , the semiconductor products are made available .
4 BRITAIN will face a spiralling demand for long-term residential care of the elderly unless funds are made available for the rapid development of community services , a report warns today .
5 Furthermore , any increase in this lending will mean more funds are made available to ultimate users .
6 We must build on the success and continue to press all political parties to develop financial and social policies which ensure that sufficient affordable homes for rent are made available as a matter of policy .
7 Yes , it is inhabited again , only this time by an army detachment which monitors the efforts of a missile range in the Hebrides , but it does mean that electric light and other amenities are made available — including a pub called the Puff Inn !
8 Is he not interested in ensuring that building skills are available and , more importantly , that homes are made available in the right place and at the right time ?
9 This is one good reason why every State should publish all the accident reports it raises — some other airline quite remote from the one in question may avoid a similar disaster if the details of an accident and the necessary corrective action are made available to all who care to take the trouble to read about them .
10 Will my right hon. Friend assure the House , however , that , before large amounts of financial aid are made available , he will make it clear to the Russian people and Government that it is not Governments but people who create wealth ?
11 Furthermore , IATTC data are made available only to the US NMFS in an edited , summary form .
12 Data are made available in the form of tapes , discs , listings and geochemical atlases as well as on an interactive computer system — GISA ( Geochemical Interactive Systems Analysis ) — which provides a very flexible and economical method of accessing and interrogating the database of 70 000 samples .
13 What the RHA was intending to do was to transfer the hospital budget to community services , with extra funds being made available to support the hospitals through the critical final stages of closure .
14 This would involve significant funds being made available by the GCC states , in addition to the military costs they will have to bear .
15 erm , other than clairify the erm , all solutions were made available to members of the panel as an appendix to the reports to the Policy Panel er , but that they wo n't to all members efficiency but were made available
16 When we made available the special allocation of £3.5 million earlier in the year , eight authorities in Scotland came forward with specific projects that resulted in 700 extra housing units being made available .
17 This position was unfrozen when research funds were made available to the Bristol Centre and to specialists of orthodox medicine to compare their respective therapies .
18 It was connected with the Marshall Aid fund at the end of the war , er where the United States actually wanted evidence of the fact that funds that had been transferred to the U K Treasury , were being so to speak properly used by the Bank of England and that the Bank of England issued this er one million pound note as evidence that the funds were made available to the Bank of England by the Treasury .
19 The systematic alteration in decisions between each period and the succeeding one renders each opportunity offered to the market more competitive than that offered in the preceding period that is , it is offered with fuller awareness of the other opportunities being made available , against which it is necessary to compete .
20 This interesting and varied collection reflects the numbers of aircraft being made available as Russia strives to get hard currency .
21 Whether or not a deal would be forged before the start of SCO Forum was unclear as we went to press , but whatever happens , SCO says there will be an SCO V.3.2.5 product released before any SVR4 offering is made available .
22 NASA has suggested that the data be made available to less industrialised countries for environmental research .
23 Put simply , if no alternative is made available , the dog will eat the desired food , or in the desired location , eventually .
24 The following data is made available to you regarding the firm 's operations :
25 But the remedy was made available by the House of Lords to a prisoner who alleged breaches of procedural rules by a deputy governor inquiring into disciplinary offences .
26 In addition , military aid was made available from the United States of America , and the cost of maintaining American forces in Europe , was met by the U.S.A. Treasury .
27 It argues that renewable energies are not developed enough for a higher goal , but if more money for research was made available , the future could be very different .
28 Although a little involved but not difficult ( ordinary algebra ) , fortunately this is not necessary for the data was made available over thirty years ago .
29 Should monetary compensation be made available as a remedy in public law , and if so , on what basis ?
30 It may also recognise that the husband should be entitled to a financial stake in the matrimonial home , such stake being made available to him at the end of the period specified in the court order or at a time previously agreed between the parties .
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