Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adv] assume " in BNC.

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1 Fracture length is derived from stimulation modelling provided the fracture height and width are correctly assumed .
2 They mean an easy , phonetic ( or rather phonemic ) system such as alphabetic literacy and they think of a ‘ literate society ’ as one in which such a script is widely assumed in public life , as they claim it was in sixth century Greece .
3 Greek tragedy is generally assumed to have had an original connection with Dionysus .
4 Of the 23 respondents ( 7% ) who did not , 21 accepted an invitation to explain their views , and just over half of them ( 11 respondents ) indicated that too much prior knowledge of the subjects was sometimes assumed .
5 Fast word-by-word recognition was often assumed as the basis of the model .
6 Einstein 's Theories of Relativity are generally assumed to tell us that nothing can travel faster than light .
7 Other economic transactors are now assumed to compare the declining yield on bills with the ( now relatively higher ) yield on close substitutes such as short-dated bonds .
8 A major difficulty with the thesis is that it rests on an a priori allocation of functions between national and local states , and that these functions are then assumed to produce specific and separate political processes .
9 Eurodisney is also assuming 60 per cent of these will come from France .
10 Despite the fact that single-parent families , people on their own , or unrelated people living together constitute 32 per cent of all households ( Central Statistical Office , 1979 , p. 44 ) , the household is generally assumed to be the nuclear family .
11 So there 's often a contradiction as to whether programmes are addressed to their actual or potential audiences or to a hypothetical audience , which in current affairs and news broadcasts is usually assumed to be a male viewer .
12 If PR is not involved in policy formation , then top management is implicitly assuming the PR mantle .
13 Financial management is now assuming greater importance .
14 Financial management was now assuming greater importance in the industry and whilst only 8% mentioned this subject it would be surprising if many more did not find difficulty with it .
15 In estimating ( 8 ) perfect foresight was initially assumed with ex post capital gains being used to measure expected capital gains .
16 The problem is quite general : when the pragmatic implications of an utterance do not match the context , then in general the utterance is not treated as in any way infelicitous or inappropriate or bizarre-rather the pragmatic implications are simply assumed not to hold .
17 Polar stocks are generally assumed to have accumulated , and still be accumulating , adaptations that equip them for the polar environment ; endemic polar species , that are found only in polar regions , are assumed to be derived from temperate or subpolar stocks , via intermediate stages that no longer exist .
18 There are bedside books but no bedside ideas ; and books , plays and films are now assumed to exist less to amuse or console than to stimulate and provoke .
19 Variable and fixed costs are traditionally assumed to be linear .
20 By then Harald is usually assumed to have been dead .
21 The missing actor is usually assumed to be the writer .
22 The proper field of women psychologists is often assumed to be far from the heights of psychological theory .
23 No complete census of dolphins has ever been carried out in India , although the total population is generally assumed to be between 4000 and 5000 .
24 Knowledge is also assumed in the functional views of language described in 3 .
25 Recent studies on the context dependence of hydrogen bond free energies in RNA hairpins , revealed by selective base substitutions , conclude that the ribose hydroxyl contributes relatively little to RNA stability ( ∼zero at 37°C ) [ 19 ] , and consequently the free energy contribution to the stability of a single stranded RNA structure from hydrogen bonds is also assumed to be approximately zero ( contrast base stacking interactions ) .
26 Investment expenditure I is also assumed to be exogenous in our model , with factors such as business confidence and the expectations of entrepreneurs being considered more important determinants of the level of investment than the current level of income .
27 That the ethics of prevention trials is often a resource driven argument is tacitly assumed but rarely explicitly stated .
28 Loss of the nuptial pads is usually assumed to be a consequence of mating on land because , in other frogs and toads , their function appears to be to help the male to grip onto the female 's slippery back while mating in water .
29 Note that regimental champions are always assumed to be armed and equipped in exactly the same way as the rank and file members of the regiment .
30 Controlled processes are generally assumed to be voluntary , flexible and capacity limited while automatic ones are highly efficient , unavoidable , resistant to modification , not subject to capacity limitations and able to occur without awareness ( LaBerge , 1981 ) .
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