Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] give the " in BNC.

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1 First of all , take a part of a subject that you are studying and write down the key words that give the basis of that aspect of your studies .
2 It is the curved arrows and printed numbers at the left-hand side that give the numbers of rows knitted with the main carriage .
3 For older children , make goals at either end of the room out of chair legs and give the point to the first person to score .
4 English National Ballet start their Christmas season at Royal Festival Hall next Tuesday and give The Nutcracker in the Peter Schaufuss staging until January 20 .
5 I bet you go to the zoo with your kids and give the monkeys bananas , then complain when they jump around — the monkeys I mean .
6 Of course — ’ he paused , ‘ — I could ask you to look after my small animals and give the farm work to your colleagues , but I gather that would n't suit you at all . ’
7 Larger than Glossy Ibis , from which it differs especially in its bald red head , red bill and legs , and neck ruff of long pointed feathers , which wave in the wind and give the bird a somewhat shaggy appearance at rest .
8 And even this is beginning to change with programs like Soft PC and the add-in hardware products that give the Macintosh direct PC compatibility .
9 As he progressed over the cobbled stretches of roads that give the race its title ‘ Hell of the North ’ , he was cheered on by police and public alike .
10 With peace , some returned to Pau , to build the villas in the big gardens that give the town its green and spacious air .
11 The living amphibians that give the best impression of the appearance of the early ones are the salamanders and newts .
12 You then push the cable connector onto one side of the T-connector and give the lock ring a twist .
13 He asked if it would be all right if the Southampton police were to sell the bike and give the proceeds to one of their charities , and I readily agreed .
14 Lendoiro secured a loan to wipe out the club 's debts and give the club some clout in the transfer market .
15 In Svidrigailov 's America there is no air to struggle for , and no rain to soften hearts and freshen cities and give the excluded ( or self-excluding ) man occasion for jokes about fear and death .
16 For the finance community , what they 've got to do , too , is take a longer term view about projects and give the companies an opportunity to grow and ride the pitfalls and the the peaks and troughs .
17 To get plant out of the pot , turn it upside down with the stem between your fingers and give the pot a gentle knock .
18 I think we must make it a positive step forward that this council not only goes forwards to build but it goes forward to use that building and give the firemen of this county the right tools , or firewoman , the firemen and the firewoman of this county the right tools to work with .
19 Evidence shows that untreated milk has a higher nutritional value and contains anti-infective agents which can both restrict the growth of contaminating bacteria in milk and give the consumer protection against infection .
20 The minister can change the board and give the board directions of a general character which have to be observed .
21 But he never wanted to do anything but sit in his study , go to the university and give the same old lectures , year after year .
22 Still , that experienced third was the battalion 's backbone ; the men whose voices would stiffen the ranks and give the Colonel the victory he needed in his opening engagement .
23 In effect , the parties organise and simplify the alternatives into policy packages that give the voters a meaningful and effective choice , so ensuring that the electorate is " consulted " at general elections with regard to fundamental legislative changes .
24 The effect is so fascinating that my friend has pockets full of peppermint bits and a sizable bill for Polo and Trebor , the mints that give the best results .
25 For example , if you are embarking on Julia in Two Gentlemen of Verona and her Proteus letter , it is as well to have a sheet of paper that you can tear up to make the scene start with a dramatic focus and give the lines some action .
26 Doing his best to stay awake , he chatted to Mills until satisfied that the other was convinced of his academic credentials and then , to get rid of him before Syrian George arrived to transcribe the night 's tapes and give the game away , sent him over to see Hurley , who wanted to know if Mills , in the course of his travels in and out of Lebanon for Newsweek , would like to shoot a few pictures for the DEA .
27 Such plans are of great value to the local and family historian for they show all the buildings and properties in the town and give the names of every occupant .
28 Thankfully there are some still willing to take would-be heroes under their wing and give the novice a chance to become a legend .
29 Choose new Program Group and give the group a name .
30 Most of his staff are currently on strike because they have n't been paid for two months , so Soliz is going personally to open the new group and give the first lesson .
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