Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] say [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Could you offer her a cup of tea and say that I 'll be er about fifteen minutes or so ?
2 Some are inclined to shrug their shoulders and say that Thailand , like an unruly adolescent , is just ‘ going through a phase ’ .
3 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
4 There is a report on CEEFAX that say that Wilko has been approached by Lazio re : the sale of one fat Geordie !
5 ‘ I 'm very disappointed not to be doing the film , ’ Crawford added , ‘ but I would rather that people remember enjoying my performance in the play than say that I did n't quite pull it off in the film . ’
6 And I said the thing is , she 'll pick him up off the floor or she 'll pick him up out the basket and say if you do n't give me some money for some drugs I 'll chuck him on the floor !
7 I will go even further while I am in an expansive mood and say that we often look at what happens north of the border to give us inspiration and we then follow .
8 We may adopt another Maoist metaphor and say that the next revolution will be like a straw sandal made in his home province of Hunan .
9 Oh , I 'll have to see wh she 's going to ring me this afternoon and say whether they can do it in the S C R. I 'm gon na try and persuade her that they can , because there are only forty people at this dinner and they 'll look stupid in the middle of the dining hall .
10 Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you have made it plain what he or she is allowed to do ( hopefully not unnecessarily restrictive ) and what he or she should not do ?
11 Can anyone put their hand on their heart and say that they are looking forward to very old age ?
12 Can anyone really put their hand on their heart and say that there will be no violent backdrop to the 1995 World Cup ?
13 Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you and your team are providing a first-class service to them ?
14 So great , let's communicate with any other deputies and say if you 're not prepared to take it over we 'll close the we 're afraid the scheme will have to close down .
15 The Liberal Democrats write to The Scotsman and say that they were the first to back the consortium .
16 I can now speak from experience and say that it 's much easier to spend a day at the office than it is to spend a day at home , and you have the benefit of spending ‘ quality time ’ with your baby at evenings and weekends .
17 While many hoteliers get upset because successive governments appear to ignore the industry 's needs and say that it can look after itself , he regards that as a compliment .
18 Will the Secretary of State lay aside diplomatic niceties for a moment and say that that hope has receded since July as a direct result of the intransigence of Mr. Denktash , who has made no move despite the fact that concessions have been made by the other side ?
19 Perhaps Mr Henderson , the United States ambassador at Teheran will convey this assurance to the Shah and say that it comes personally from me . "
20 I 've known him more than once take out his watch hallway through a tyring job and say as though he was some bit surprised :
21 Ferguson , for his part , can now look any supporter of his club in the eye and say that Gough having to commit the foul that debarred him from a Cup-tie verified the youngster 's ability to put an awkward pre-match situation out of his mind and play in a determined way that suggested his temperament was on the mend .
22 As the problem which prompted the question has been resolved by the Inland Revenue , will my hon. Friend pass on to its staff the thanks of many Members of Parliament for dealing with issues that we have raised on behalf of our constituents and say that we hope that the problems will continue to decline as tax rates come down rather than go up ?
23 Intertel Communications Inc , currently legally a Canadian company , says from its Teleport Denver Inc base in Colorado that it plans to swear allegiance to the flag and become a naturalised American : it will reincorporate in the US to meet a condition set by the Federal Communications Commission , which gave plenty of ammunition to the Europeans that say that the US market is not as open as Uncle Sam likes to think , by insisting that only American companies could hold earth satellite station common carrier licences — there is no comparable restriction on US companies applying for licences in the UK .
24 Yes , but er I think that erm , before we champion er , or back er people like Mr Yeltsin and say that they rep represent progressive forces , I 'd like to be clear about where those forces see themselves going , because I do n't see nationalism as a progressive force in the er , in the last decade of the twentieth century , I think we need to be concentrating on those people who are trying to build a new international order rather than splitting things up in the Soviet Union in a way which may be catastrophic .
25 It is one thing to look at an ill person and say that they are out of balance .
26 Would I one day show people this jacket and say that it had been a lovely afternoon in Central Park when he gave it to me and , in closing , would I say that as he disappeared into the trees , I never saw Oscar Wilde again ?
27 HP 's software effort for the new servers included endorsement from a veritable who's-who of mainframe software houses , all eager to stand up on the platform and say that their customers were queueing up to leave the IBM mainframe world behind .
28 I would have to go to my constituency and say that I had been outbid by Tory Ministers , and that after complaining for all these years about their accruing power to themselves I had found that I had been wrong all the time .
29 Well it would be something , it would be a bit of paper that say that I can look after children under five , I could go and run a play group or do whatever and earn some money
30 I could name names and say because this is not a party decision , it 's
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