Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it contains " in BNC.

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1 Although written many years ago , Lady Chatterley 's Lover has just been reissued by the Grove Press , and this pictorial account of the day by day life of an English game-keeper is full of considerable interest to outdoor-minded readers as it contains many passages on pheasant raising , the apprehending of poachers , ways to control vermin and other chores and duties of the professional game-keeper .
2 I 've always liked the rain , the city at night , wet streets stretching into winter darkness , a peculiar feeling of freedom that it contains .
3 At least 80 per cent of a typical living cell consists of water ; and its ability to absorb heat without raising temperature protects all the delicate organic molecules that it contains .
4 Here 's a lovely winter scene but it contains ten deliberate mistakes .
5 In my view it is just as vital not to ignore Marxist work because it contains one inadequate generalization , as it is not to ignore pluralist work because it is based on an idealized view of liberal democracy in Japan .
6 The red blood cell can carry oxygen because it contains the protein haemoglobin , muscles can contract because of the proteins , actin and myosin .
7 In other words , we 've been funding from within our own budget new developments that 'll come on stream next year and it 's a very complicated budget and it contains some quite erm controversial erm subjects , which no doubt we 'll go through in a minute , but overall erm , given the total financial situation , I 'm a relieved man today .
8 It is one of the remarkable features of the Bible that it contains enough to occupy the greatest intellects for a lifetime , and yet the simplest soul can read and understand , and in reading with an obedient heart find God himself .
9 It does not cover the dismissal by the vendor prior to the sale for the reason that the purchaser will either not buy the business if it contains certain employees or alternatively will pay a lower price ( see Wheeler v Patel [ 1987 ] ICR 631 ) .
10 It is important not to soak potatoes , as this leaches out the vitamin , and not to overcook cabbage and other green vegetables , as heat gradually destroys Vitamin C. Rosehip tea is also an excellent source of this vitamin , as is fresh lemon juice , which is permissible on this diet as it contains little sugar .
11 " Even if you have a copy of the old ( September 1988 ) Catalogue , have a look at this year 's edition as it contains details of 15 new titles and information on many more books , packs , videos and projects .
12 It may represent a calcium-sensitive form of the enzyme as it contains one canonical EF-hand motif .
13 No. 17 is a somewhat similar division but it contains a Tweddle press for shaping steel panel plates , and also deals with steel flooring , vestibule steel-work , and other miscellaneous work , while repairs are also undertaken here .
14 Despite the two question marks that I put over the Bill , I believe that the Government are right to proceed with the reforms that it contains .
15 But you will also remember that each of these cells is capable of holding the whole text of the New Testament and , moreover , it is gigantic when measured by the number of sophisticated machines that it contains .
16 Willis 's work also shares Robson 's view of courts as framers of judicial policy on social and political questions and it contains a number of pointed criticisms of the normativist style .
17 Endless Kiss gives a smooth finish and it contains a protective sunscreen .
18 This can be the keystone of the defence as well , although the defendant might be prepared to accept the plaintiff 's evidence if it contains nothing controversial .
19 It is well worth exploring the //Graphics menu as it contains a lot of powerful features that allow you to present and interpret your data with a great deal of control .
20 This is not a work of criticism though it contains much criticism along the way , and of the first order — for instance , Pound 's respectful demurrer from the high valuation that Eliot had put on Johnson 's Vanity of Human Wishes .
21 Though the very fact that it is so traditional and so formal a poem in the pastoral tradition , held in the tightness of all the conventions that it employs , not only allows , but in some strange way makes possible , the intensity of personal feeling that it contains .
22 Two of the expressions cited , however , are more problematic : ‘ I wish my estate to be Titius ' ’ , no doubt on the ground that it contains no words of transfer such as restituere ; scio , because it is not a request to pass on property , but an assertion of a conviction ( and who is to say whether that is justified ? ) .
23 These skills , however , are being applied to support the Vance-Owen peace plan on the ground that it contains a concession which Lord Owen says he has not made .
24 Out of the two authors , I prefer Harper Lee 's style of writing because she is much more fluent in her writing and it contains energy , happiness , sadness , and really imaginative descriptions .
25 Town water , although potable , is often unsuitable for textile processes such as package-dyeing because it contains suspended matter and soluble calcium and magnesium salts ; filtration and softening may be necessary before it can be employed with confidence in a process in which impurities can filter out upon yarn or fabric .
26 In addition , though wheat and triticale both contain around 13 per cent protein , that of triticale is better quality as it contains a larger share of lysine , an amino-acid that is relatively deficient in most cereal proteins .
27 Combining equations ( 4.1 ) and ( 4.4 ) — ( 4.6 ) and solving for the equilibrium price in the th market gives This equation is not yet a true solution for p ( ) t since it contains a term in and , as we have emphasized , a rational expectation is one formed in accordance with the true process or solution for the variable concerned .
28 It 's extremely rich in different species that it contains .
29 In fact the picture is complete only in the sense that it contains the details which are relevant to his activity in that room , it certainly does not contain all the detail which is available to the senses .
30 If you do not hold such a licence you may apply for Provisional LCG/PCV entitlement to be added to your ordinary licence provided it contains full car entitlement .
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