Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pers pn] shall " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Give me sons or I shall die , ’ said Leah to Jacob ( Genesis 30 : 6 ) , expressing the anguish suffered by many people on learning they may not be able to have children .
2 These are the sorts of considerations that I shall have to take into account .
3 Do n't you tell me again you ai n't got a fella 'cause I sha n't believe you . ’
4 The Carrier contracts for itself and as agent of and trustee for its servants and agents and all other carriers referred to in ( 2 ) above and such other carrier 's servants and agents and every reference in Conditions 3–17 inclusive hereof to ‘ The Carrier ’ shall be deemed to include every such other carrier , servant and agent with the intention that they shall have the benefit of the Contract and collectively and together with the Carrier be under no greater liability to the Trader or any other party than is the Carrier hereunder .
5 The crimes of detaining a woman against her will with the intention that she shall marry or have unlawful sexual intercourse , and taking an unmarried girl under the age of 18 out of the possession of her parent or guardian with intent that she shall have sexual intercourse , are restricted in the same fashion .
6 It is to these aspects that we shall now turn .
7 They say ‘ The Soviet Union has already allocated funds for such a programme so we shall fall behind ’ …
8 The syndicalist idea of " workers control " was finding much less favour than in 1932 , when Ernest Bevin had forced through the Party Conference " the claim of organised labour that it shall have its place in the control and direction of publicly owned industries " .
9 USAAF memorials have received much coverage in Fly/Past so I shall only mention a few .
10 USAAF memorials have received much coverage in Fly/Past so I shall only mention a few .
11 Second , it seems on this criterion that we shall never have more than the slenderest of reasons to believe that we know something ; for in believing this we are believing that when all the truths are in , our justification will remain , and it looks as if much more is required to support that belief than is required to support an ordinary claim to know .
12 As my hon. Friend the Member for Rugby and Kennilworth correctly said , the parents charter is based on two policies designed to help all the other steps that we shall be taking to raise standards of education .
13 Excluded property which is not to be included in the estate of a person ( which means the aggregate of all the property to which that person is beneficially entitled including settled property in which he has an interest in possession ) immediately before his death embraces for CTT purposes : ( a ) settled property situated outside the United Kingdom unless the settlor was domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made ; and ( b ) securities issued by the Treasury subject to the condition that they shall be exempt from taxation while in the beneficial ownership of persons neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom provided in the case of settled property either that such .
14 Thus someone buying coal from the National Coal Board does have the benefit of the implied condition that it shall be of merchantable quality .
15 Whereas the district in which we live is under an agreement between the three great companies — the Midland being one — that not one of them shall promote a railway in the district without the consent of all three companies ; the continuation of the Bishop 's Castle line is now saddled with the further condition that it shall not be made independently of the Corvedale line , whereas a proposal was made by one of the largest shareholders in the Cambrian to complete it independently of any other line .
16 To the Protestants , according to Knox , she complained about opposition to her policy from the Catholics and Châtelherault ; only if the crown matrimonial was granted would she have sufficient authority , and ‘ then devise ye what ye please in matters of religion and they shall be granted ’ .
17 Ah , the time has come , my friends , ’ he informed William and Joe , ‘ that the world shall know what an artiste it has in Auguste Didier and I shall begin with your whiting , messieurs . ’
18 Ex-King 's Cup player Robin Drysdale echoed the sentiments of many , at the conclusion of his first Series event at his club in Bracknell , when he said ‘ these events are terrific for the kids and I shall definitely be running one again next year . ’
19 Therefore , I can assure my hon. Friend , who represents a rural constituency , that we have very much in mind the needs of rural post offices and we shall look with interest at any requests that they make to us for extending their liability to sell other services .
20 I 've got fifty pounds bid and I shall sell at fifty if there 's no further bids at fifty pounds only at fifty pounds , you all done at fifty ?
21 no , he comes with Nigel who 's that your with ? , hello , alright ? , well no because I 've got a back ache , oh how was your day ? , well the Skipton Building Society are a pain in the arse are you not going to say a bloody word for the rest of the evening , he 's gon na sit with his hand on his neck and I shall shoot him
22 And if Robin gets it in the neck I shall get it in the neck and I shall be getting it in the neck because of you !
23 Our thanks were properly offered to Vince , Geoff , Carol and Sue for their expert demonstration and we shall never see either Kevin or Phil in the same light again .
24 The second argument about the origins of the incest taboo is the one that relates to the major theme of this chapter and I shall consider it at some length .
25 And then Silas echoed his own satisfaction as he said , ‘ Lucy and I shall manage nicely , thank you .
26 Speaking in a dry tone , he said , ‘ To be honest , Doreen , I doubt that this is an appropriate time for you to visit my stepmother — so Lucy and I shall go alone . ’
27 Most of the experiments on this topic have , however , been conducted with human subjects and I shall begin by reviewing this work before turning to an analysis of the relatively few further studies that have used animal subject to pursue the phenomenon revealed by Lawrence .
28 We have noted some contradictions in his attempt and we shall return to others .
29 Recently , successful attempts have been made to unify three of the four categories of force and I shall describe these in this chapter .
30 Dr Alan McKinnon , the laboratory 's deputy head , said last night : ‘ We regret that there will be job losses and we shall be doing all we can to help those affected .
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