Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] consider [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During the reign of Elizabeth I , English seamen such as Drake , Hawkins , Grenville and Raleigh exasperated the Spanish by their expeditions to the Americas , and the Roman Catholic King Philip of Spain also considered Elizabeth I a heretic ; so he despatched a great fleet of galleons , in 1588 , named ‘ The Armada ’ , to sail up the English Channel and transport a Spanish army of invasion from the Netherlands , but the smaller British ships played havoc with the mighty ships during their journey and stormy weather drove the remnants of the Armada around the British Isles , most of the ships being wrecked at various points , including the Atlantic west coast of Ireland .
2 The judge then considered Berg 's and Union Discount 's claims .
3 Societies have an extraordinary capacity either to consider objects as having attributes which may not appear as evident to outsiders , or else altogether to ignore attributes which would have appeared to those same outsiders as being inextricably part of that object .
4 Goods once considered luxuries became " decencies " : essential demarcations between a tolerable standard of living and deprivation .
5 Nissan and Sony are among those Japanese firms now considering building factories in China .
6 They show features once considered primitive , but many scientists now consider them to be highly specialised .
7 Many widows , however , did carry on their husbands ' trade , even in occupations usually considered male .
8 Even worse , Dan Rather , the CBS news anchorman once considered America 's most trusted person , failed to answer accusations that he had aired fake battle footage and false news accounts of the Afghan war .
9 Today a change in policy has produced a refusal rate by the coroner of more than 10% and has resulted in clinicians not considering organ donation in certain types of case ( from which criminal proceedings might arise ) .
10 Human beings generally consider life to function best when that ratio of male to female is relatively even .
11 But the bookies still considered Roberto the outsider of the three .
12 A Criminal Law Revision Committee under the aegis of the Home Office periodically considered changes in the criminal law .
13 WHAT a cheek of Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs even to consider voting against a freeze on their pay in the face of restraints on other public sector workers .
14 The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism showed Eliot again considering poetry 's primitive roots and to some extent consciously reorienting himself towards romanticism .
15 Mr Prior , Mr Walker , and Sir Ian Gilmour opposed many of Mrs Thatcher 's and the Chancellor 's economic policies , and all three at some time seriously considered resignation over the 1981 budget .
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