Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] let [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that where an average portion provides less than 20 calories you let yourself off the chore of weighing while following the F-Plan slimming method .
2 Mrs Rumney herself let me in and I felt a shock of surprise at my first sight of her .
3 After many months they let me free .
4 Children die before parents unfortunately and have wills I let everything to my mother , Mother I leave everything to my son .
5 ‘ So , Rosie , like a fool I let him manipulate me into working twice as hard as I imagined I would .
6 These above-average profits depended to some extent on the Company 's political influence in England ; in India it was not powerful enough to control the market , but its charter gave it a monopoly in England which let it push prices up further than would have been practicable if non-members of the Company ( denounced as ‘ interlopers ’ ) had been able to import cotton goods into England freely .
7 what about what about the parents who let it go on ?
8 And that feeling has gone the second you let it out .
9 A GIRL today hit back at the judge who let her sex attacker walk free because she was ‘ not entirely an angel ’ .
10 She 's the girl who let me into the house last might …
11 In case you let it hot water tank starts playing up .
12 The chappie who let you in at the front door was Norman he 's form Salford East .
13 For four weeks I let it lie on my desk , unwilling to take the final step .
14 That 's what you 'd expect from some of the bitter old farts who used to fill the magazine with self-indulgent whimsy about lawnmowers and the ex-colonial buffers who let their subscriptions lapse when India was granted independence .
15 You may not always do just what friends tell you , but they are the sounding boards who let you know how far to go .
16 Asked by Norwegian TV about new boy Stig Inge Bjornebye 's performance , the England winger said : ‘ As a team we let him down .
17 oh my god I let it slipped today
18 There are things which let it down .
19 Maybe they saw ‘ little water-trees , starwort and milfoil and crow foot ’ ; and ‘ green caterpillars which let themselves down from the boughs by silk ropes for no reason at all ’ ; and ‘ great spiders with crowns and crosses marked on their backs ’ .
20 XTree Gold has a mass of file viewers which let you look at your data in its native format .
21 The porter 's wife who let us in might be worth talking to .
22 The way she 'd always known it , when you decided to throw a party , you threw a party ; you pushed back the furniture , you got all the food together yourself , you invited close friends who knew each other and for a while you let them invade your most private and personal space .
23 In their overheated frustration this Monday evening at Old Trafford they let themselves down badly through ignorance of the laws of cricket .
24 Richard Gough is unmatched by any current English central defender and Spurs must still be cursing the day they let him go .
25 Next morning I let him sleep until midday .
26 Or had Herrick himself let them in ?
27 PS I am so grateful for the £48 a week you let me have .
28 Preferably Chertro with his stupid grin and all the crooked FedPols who let someone walk away with the Ardakke prisoner .
29 He was one of those prime ministers in Cabinet who let everyone talk — too much sometimes . ’
30 She also employed a woman who let her guests in and out and offered them a glass of wine while they waited .
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