Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] the public " in BNC.

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1 It was decisive and at times attracted public support because she seemed to be taking action which the public overwhelmingly thought was right but never thought any government would have the nerve to carry out .
2 We believe organisations like ours are important in reflecting the equally valid qualitative values which the public assigns to them .
3 We believe organisations like ours are important in reflecting the equally valid qualitative values which the public assigns to them .
4 Studies into the nature of the calls which the public make to the police show that demands are consistently unrelated to crime ( Comrie and Kings 1975 ; Hough 1980 ; Jones 1983 ; Policy Studies Institute 1983b ; Punch and Naylor 1973 ; Southgate and Ekblom 1984 , 1986 ) , and many ethnographic studies document how the majority of contacts between public and police do not involve criminal matters ( Cain 1973 ; Comrie and Kings 1975 ; Cumming et al .
5 A bureau may try to orchestrate those demands by its links with the organizations representing the consumers of its services , thereby affecting the influence which the public have on the revealed preferences of the sponsor .
6 MPs appear to be permanently enjoying a joke which the public is not allowed to share .
7 Quite important , because we only give them for buildings which the public can see .
8 It was once used as storage space and curator of European Glass , Ceramics and Furniture says the idea is to provide a straightforward display of things which the public would enjoy looking at .
9 That means they are stored in in containers which the public have n't got access to and away from any possibility of er naked flames or any other methods of ignition getting to them .
10 It provided that the cost of a benefit consisting of the provision of any service or facility which was also provided to the public ( i.e. , in-house benefits ) should be the price which the public paid for such facility or service .
11 The Employment Service has published the jobseekers charter setting out clearly the high standards of service which the public can expect in all its offices .
12 Mr Stitt called for funding to be made available outwith the MoD budget to maintain the airborne SAR ( search and rescue ) service which the public expected .
13 Etchings were sent to a printer to make some impressions and someone surreptitiously made copies which he passed on to the defendant who intended to display them in an exhibition which the public could attend on payment of an admission charge .
14 The primary concern of the judiciary , said Lord Hailsham , must be ‘ to retain the respect of the public for their independence which involves not merely their real independence of mind , but also the belief which the public can have that they are seen to be independent in every respect ’ .
15 No amount of regulation or changes to the law will prevent the type of corporate failures which the public , however illogically , assume to be conclusive evidence of audit failures , and judging by the Government 's reluctance to relax the statutory audit requirement for small companies , there may , in any case , be less dissatisfaction with the quality of auditing than we are sometimes led to believe .
16 Paul Marsh , Chairman of the Property and Commercial Services Committee of the Council , said today ‘ The strategy reflects the enormous changes which have taken place in the profession over the last three years and the absolute need for firms of solicitors large or small to provide legal services to the public in the form which the public want those services supplied . ’
17 The changes are intended to reflect the Citizen 's Charter approach that Government is responsible for defining those standards which the public expects , with managers responsible for delivering them .
18 They try to ram down the throat of the public what the public quite rightly does not want .
19 ‘ It is important that plain English is used without jargon or local authority expressions which the public may not understand . ’
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