Example sentences of "marx 's view " in BNC.

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1 For Marx 's view that there is no such thing as production in general has the consequence that there is no economic production in general , but only the modes of production used by particular societies at particular times .
2 In Marx 's view there are also longer-term threats to the survival of capitalism , especially through the tendency for the rate of profit to fall .
3 In addition , the growth of the new middle class of managerial , professional and clerical workers appears to contradict Marx 's view that divisions among those without wealth would disappear .
4 For the present , let us note that in Marx 's view of history as a dialectical process , just as in a society whose mode of production was feudal , with its ‘ contradictions ’ , a ruling class of landowners had been overthrown by an exploited peasantry , so too in a society whose mode was bourgeois would the capitalists be overthrown by the proletariat .
5 In summary , his view that the State was the instrument through which the dialectic operated was evidently right ; and Marx 's view that it operated through class warfare as evidently wrong .
6 Work , or labour , the activity which , in Marx 's view , governs social relationships and provides the means of the individual 's self-fulfilment , has become ‘ alienated ’ — or perhaps better , dissociated — from men and its values attributed to the system of production .
7 In Marx 's view , this ‘ total mechanism ’ or regulated system of division of labour within the enterprise develops in two stages : those of manufacture proper , and large-scale machine industry .
8 In Marx 's view this would mean the end of history since communist society would no longer contain the contradictions which generate change .
9 This may be illustrated by Marx 's view of the nature of ownership and production in capitalist society .
10 However , in Marx 's view , it is gained from the exploitation of the mass of the population , the working class .
11 Although the trends up to 1971 provided support for Marx 's view on the likely fate of the petty bourgeoisie , the 1980s saw a reversal of previous trends .
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