Example sentences of "by wirral council " in BNC.

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1 The toys won the school £200 in a contest run by Wirral council and the Port Sunlight-based soap giants Lever .
2 The event is being backed by Wirral Council and the MDC .
3 By then , the girl had been put into the temporary care of foster parents by Wirral Council .
4 The results of the study are still being assessed by Wirral Council 's engineers .
5 Thousands of pounds have been raised over the past few months by the local community and by Wirral council colleagues of the boys ' father Bob , who works in the highways and building services department .
6 A JOINT operation by Wirral Council and Merseyside Police appears to be having an impact on cockling problems in the Dee Estuary .
7 They will join representatives from the Department of Trade and Industry , Wirral Task Force , Merseyside Task Force , and councillors for the forum arranged by Wirral Council at Wallasey Town Hall .
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