Example sentences of "[been] devoted to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Considerable press attention had already been devoted to a recent report prepared by the Escola Superior de Guerra , a senior military academy , which contained references to the systematic killing of street children by " death squads " [ see p. 38285 ] which were known often to be composed of off-duty or on-duty police and armed force members .
2 The previous two sections have been devoted to a single idea .
3 Particular attention has been devoted to the Late Quaternary sea levels and especially to those of the Holocene .
4 However , I am not convinced that the most relevant biochemical questions have yet been asked , partly at least because so much attention has been devoted to the intimate synaptic processes involved in the initiation of LTP that surprisingly little has been directed towards what seems to me most interesting about it — the very long-term nature of the phenomenon .
5 The Magistrate hesitated , stroking those terrible , radical , flaring whiskers of his … since he had shouted himself hoarse as a young man in 1832 he had been devoted to the radical cause , a supporter of Chartism , of factory reform , and of every other progressive notion which crossed his path .
6 Inevitably , most space in this exploration of the American railway station has been devoted to the large city variety .
7 The architect , Bogdan Bogdanovic , whose entire career has been devoted to the tragic commemoration of war victims , is one of the very few Serbians brave enough to speak out against the current Serbian aggression .
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