Example sentences of "['s] solution to the problem " in BNC.

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1 The US 's solution to the problem of its own borders and indigenous peoples had been to expand until stopped by force , to renege on all treaties with native peoples and to conduct a policy of genocide and dispossession which , though it reached a peak in the years 1860–90 , continued well into the 1920s .
2 SunSoft Inc 's solution to the problem of running Microsoft Corp Windows applications on its Solaris 2.0-on-Intel Unix SVR4 operating system will reportedly be addressed by Praxsys Technologies Inc , Norwood , Massachusetts .
3 Hoyle 's solution to the problem lies in his concept of the ‘ creative school ’ : a school whose organisational character is sufficiently ‘ open ’ and flexible to enable changes to its authority structures , its decision-making procedures , its professional relationships , and its pedagogical ‘ code ’ ( eg. from ‘ traditional ’ to ‘ progressive ’ ) .
4 Sloan 's solution to the problem in General Motors was related to committee work and good communications .
5 Schantz 's solution to the problem of the check in his grand pianos was to fix a rail on the raised sides of the keyframe just in front of the hammers .
6 Quiss 's solution to the problem , his answer to the riddle " What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object ? " was , " The immovable object loses ; force always wins ! "
7 Wright 's criticism of Lenin 's solution to the problem of post-revolutionary bureaucratization in socialist societies is Weberian in its perception of bureaucratic power as a problem of non-bureaucratic institutions : ‘ bureaucratic power feeds on the political incapacity ’ of non-bureaucrats and reinforces that incapacity ( 1978 , p. 225 ) .
8 But the bad things , and of course , Rousseau 's solution to the problem of order was quite different from Hobbes ' .
9 Fredegar 's solution to the problem is more illuminating .
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