Example sentences of "a two-year period " in BNC.

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1 A study in one polytechnic found that 11% of the bookstock was in circulation , while in another two samples taken from law and the humanities revealed that three issues per volume was the average use per annum , and that two-thirds of the items were loaned in a two-year period .
2 In a two-year period from 1979 the ‘ Teaching of study skills project ’ investigated the teaching of study skills amongst 16–19 year olds .
3 Unremitting poverty , seven children and a husband unable to do hard physical work because of a series of minor heart attacks , caused my Mam to have a ‘ mental breakdown ’ when I was seven years old ; the treatment for this breakdown included her having twenty electric shocks in a two-year period .
4 The club 's financial performance has been shattered by the incurring of revenues expenditure approaching £1 million over a two-year period to make good various defects , including gas leaks , to the new Bedser Stand and Ken Barrington Centre .
5 It was something that he and I talked about over a two-year period , and then he got hit with throat cancer a little over a year ago .
6 An agreed programme for a coalition government for ( say ) a two-year period of office during which the constitutional changes will be legislated .
7 I visited the Tate several times over a two-year period .
8 He says on a 500-acre farm the cost of an innocent error in completing the complicated forms might be a loss of more than £100,000 over a two-year period and assured bankruptcy for the farmer concerned .
9 It was at least the sixth time over a two-year period that the unveiling had been postponed .
10 This means that , over a two-year period , we had identified 1,661 heroin users known to official agencies in Wirral-6.3 per 1,000 of the adult population .
11 Readers may like to think about the sort of policy interactions involved by asking themselves what would be the effects upon social life and social policy of the reintroduction of a two-year period of compulsory national service .
12 Kawaller , Koch and Koch ( 1987 ; 1988 ) examined the S&P500 index for leads and lags between the spot and futures prices using transactions data for a two-year period ( 1984–5 ) .
13 The bill introduced last year by the Flemish senator Herman Suykerbuyk , and based on the French ‘ loi Lang ’ , proposes that discounts should be limited to 5% during a two-year period following the publication of a book .
14 Over a two-year period , ‘ Laura Ashley ’ bought from Courtaulds two Stork flat bed printers , one Buser printer , ‘ the Rolls Royce of them all ’ , two pad mangles , a step and repeat machine and a 15,000 lb. boiler .
15 In a two-year period of review from late 1981 the Course as a whole and all fields within it reviewed overall principles , the design of the Course and the specific contributions of subject areas .
16 The Field Chair is elected for a two-year period by the staff members of the field committee and is eligible for re-election .
17 In a statement on disarmament on 17 November 1956 the Soviet Government proposed the elimination of foreign military , naval and air bases over a two-year period .
18 Edinburgh district council estimated the cost of clearing the backlog at £25.5 million and we made that allocation to it over a two-year period .
19 These young people will be surveyed by mailed questionnaire on three separate occasions over a two-year period , commencing in spring 1987 .
20 The educational progress of the children will be monitored over a two-year period .
21 The council of the 41-member International Cocoa Organization ( ICCO ) on March 30 voted almost unanimously to extend the 1986 International Cocoa Agreement between producers and consumers [ see p. 35294 ] for a two-year period from Oct. 1 , but without its provisions to regulate world supplies and prices , which had been suspended since 1988 .
22 The plant , built in 1974 , had a poor safety record and had been closed for a two-year period following a failure in the control system in 1985 , and could no longer provide electricity at a competitive price .
23 To be introduced over a two-year period , the reform had as its main aim the reduction of income tax rates while increasing indirect taxes , and tightening rules on the taxation of capital gains without altering the overall tax burden .
24 In October the government told the Soviet Union that it wanted to put their mutual trade relationship on a US dollar basis over a two-year period .
25 Abe 's death was also a blow for the ambitions of other Recruit-tainted veteran LDP leaders , including former Prime Ministers Takeshita and Yasuhiro Nakasone ( the latter having recently rejoined the LDP after serving a two-year period of atonement outside the party ) .
26 This had been the basic premise of a proposal made in late August by the Netherlands ( holder of the presidency of the Council of Ministers in the second half of 1991 ) specifying four conditions for economic convergence : ( i ) a high degree of price stability , indicated by a level of inflation close to that of the best-performing state for a two-year period ; ( ii ) a sustainable government financial position , indicated by budget deficits deemed not to be excessive ; ( iii ) currency within the 2.5 per cent fluctuation margins of the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European Monetary System for at least two years without devaluation against other member state 's currency ; and ( iv ) a close approximation of comparable interest rates to those member states with the best performance in terms of price stability .
27 These records are kept for a two-year period only , within which time some 40,000 issues are made .
28 In other words , one third of BLDSC 's theses on Scottish geology were borrowed within a two-year period .
29 HCFC-123 , a substitute material for ozone-damaging chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) being marketed by the British chemical company ICI , has been found to cause tumours in rats exposed to it over a two-year period .
30 He claimed that 85,000 people had used the range over a two-year period and that outdoor sport was acceptable on green belt land .
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