Example sentences of "[Wh det] prevented [pron] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 So , too , could Motherwell if they continue to create what manager Tommy McLean described as ‘ pretty patterns ’ but lack the finishing touch which prevented them from taking full points from this entertaining encounter at Fir Park .
2 The cots were suspended from hooks attached to the roof and further secured in position by chains and springs , known as grips , which prevented them from swinging .
3 Not surprisingly , this doctrine has become especially important to those who feel as a matter of Marxist science that the proletariat ought by now to have enacted a revolutionary response to the crises which are seen as always present ; and their failure to do so is therefore commonly explained as an aspect of false consciousness , which prevented them from recognizing their proper historical duty .
4 To test whether recognising the land beneath is essential to them in finding the way , opaque contact lenses were fitted to their eyes which prevented them from seeing more than a few yards ahead .
5 Her approaches were unsuccessful since suspicion of her contacts with Jacobite circles might have endangered Georg Ludwig 's position as king of England ; and her children when grown up had political considerations of their own which prevented them from responding positively .
6 The social workers were bound by rules of confidentiality and legal requirements which prevented them from revealing any relevant information .
7 Lowe continued his career until 1871 when he fell victim to a pulmonary disease which prevented him from joining the services for the deaf at the new St. Saviour 's Church .
8 Born into a provincial Liberal family in 1858 , Hobson developed unorthodox views which prevented him from securing an academic career in his chosen field of economics .
9 In Routh v Jones [ 1947 ] 1 All ER 758 the Court of Appeal held that a restraint on a medical assistant to a partnership which prevented him from practising " in any department of medicine , surgery or midwifery ( or accepting ) any professional appointment " was unreasonable because it covered , inter alia , practice as a consultant or medical officer of health .
10 What was worrying him more , he said , was the language barrier which prevented him from linking up with his Japanese teammates .
11 Was n't it plain , common or garden cowardice , not the sturdy self-righteousness I 'd credited myself with , which prevented me from ending the whole business ?
12 I remember , after one lesson , having a sensation of a collar being around my neck which prevented me from turning my head ( similar to the kind people have to wear after painful neck injuries ) .
13 Rage at a fate which prevented her from screaming and railing at him for so misjudging her , rage at him for playing this cat-and-mouse game with her , rage at herself for letting him get away with it .
14 She sustained an injury to her hip which prevented her from caring for her husband when he was at home .
15 So the rise in product wages was both the clearest expression of tightening labour markets and the mechanism which prevented it from inhibiting accumulation .
16 It was n't that this dispute between my dad and me about whether there was a God or not really meant anything any more , but rather the fact of the history of the dispute — the reality of its course , not the substance of the original disagreement — was what prevented me from ending it .
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