Example sentences of "[Wh det] used to be called " in BNC.

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1 For example , to make methyl alcohol ( methanol , which used to be called wood alcohol ) , a 1:2 ratio is required ,
2 Czechoslovakia has some remarkable health centres , such as Karlovy Vary ( which used to be called Carlsbad ) where one can take the waters and have other health treatments .
3 First there are contributory benefits , which used to be called national insurance benefits .
4 To my mind that clinched the connection with Pegasus Farm , the Winged Pegasus being the emblem of the Parachute Regiment which used to be called the Red Berets ( when Richard Todd was making films ) but nowadays ( since American Football and Rambo ) referred to themselves as the Maroon Machine .
5 Interestingly , the pain this causes shows itself as what used to be called ‘ groin strain ’ .
6 still blessed with a scent of what used to be called the counter-culture , they are also the most responsive to music generated from outside the mainstream corporate structure .
7 Both countries have managed to become the most visibly successful economies in what used to be called their respective ‘ blocs ’ .
8 The placing of Uruguay and Colombia in the third pool has satisfied the South Americans , and what used to be called the Iron Curtain countries can not complain .
9 It would have been nice to go into partnership with my son Paul , but he deals in what used to be called the avant-garde , the most difficult stuff to sell , and wants to be in New York .
10 It 's what used to be called A Good Read .
11 There was still an ingrained suspicion of what used to be called ‘ combinations ’ .
12 The mill-house , with its white-painted cast iron footbridge over the river below the weir , forms a seductive spot for photographers , painters , picnickers and what used to be called courting couples , but are now gender-opposite persons endeavouring to establish meaningful relationships by pair-bonding and role-playing .
13 From La Bourboule to Montluçon and Tours we traverse what used to be called la France profonde , a deep and unchanging rural France unaffected by progress and modern life .
14 this months tasting features the exciting sparkling wines being produced by double fermentation or what used to be called Methode Champenoise .
15 So I 'm put into the hands of what used to be called ‘ Wardrobe ’ but now has the grander title of ‘ Costume Designers ’ , who are keen for me to join the twentieth century sartorially , which would involve climbing into one of those colossal suits .
16 Perhaps because I was hot-tempered at times , I became what used to be called a ‘ natural ’ as a boxer .
17 The first record of elephants in what used to be called Assyria is dated 1700 BC .
18 You are what used to be called a White Russian . ’
19 Untrained in any art school , commencing his career in the early 1930s , a homosexual , addicted to the sleazier pleasures of Soho , living for a large portion of his life in the same seedy studio in South Kensington , eschewing all official honours , and a stranger to what used to be called the ‘ salons ’ of high society , he succeeded in expressing in frightening imagery the horrors which lie embedded below the surface of life .
20 A ‘ residence order ’ will say where the children will live ; and a ‘ contract order ’ will set out the arrangements for the other parent to see the children — what used to be called access .
21 The arrival of Charlie , Louise , Timothy and Alexandra put an end to what used to be called ‘ normal life ’ , including quiet , civilised Christmas gatherings with friends over drinks .
22 We 're going to go on to what used to be called club foot which is a fairly gross word word Right
23 William gazed out of the window as they drove through what used to be called The Village and was now just another suburban shopping centre .
24 Even here in the dusty , bounding Toyota , this old man has a distinctiveness , the clubbable , dependable qualities of what used to be called a gentleman .
25 The second tendency is what used to be called Black nationalism but is now fragmented into multiple varieties , each with its own claim to ethnic particularity .
26 Consequently , the court can not use what used to be called injunctions , either mandatory or prohibitory , to achieve that the child should live in a particular place .
27 It was during this period of what used to be called the Dark Ages that the ethnic map of Europe began to assume a character which in the main survives today .
28 Democratic consumerism is what used to be called participation before the term consumerism became fashionable .
29 British industry , the City of London , most of what used to be called Fleet Street , and the economic spokesmen for all the political parties have for many years spoken with one voice on this matter : what Britain required , they all said , was a large , secure home market in which it was possible to benefit from economies of scale comparable to those enjoyed by the Japanese and the Americans .
30 It is more likely that the Secretary of State for the Environment is preparing us for what used to be called ribbon development and pock-marked urban sprawl stretching from Stratford to Southend , with unfettered market forces destroying the flora and fauna and every living thing that gets in its way .
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