Example sentences of "[vb -s] [vb pp] to a halt " in BNC.

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1 This is sometimes taken to show that the process of monopolisation has come to a halt .
2 Wilson said it all when he said ‘ after half a century of democratic advance , the whole process has ground to a halt with a fourteenth earl ’ .
3 Most drug research in that country has ground to a halt , and Canada is now a substantial net importer of medicines .
4 However , he would be a perfect recruit for Arsenal , whose season has ground to a halt since they led the Premier League in early November .
5 ‘ The debate on poverty has ground to a halt since the new government came into power and TAFOS must get it going again . ’
6 I often feel like his mother or his ‘ chum ’ , but I do n't feel like his partner and our sex life has ground to a halt .
7 Debt has meant that in some parts of Africa development has ground to a halt .
8 One quarter of the chamber is under suspicion of involvement , local government has ground to a halt in many parts of the country and public works contracts have all but dried up .
9 And while the house market has ground to a halt , you 'll have to move quickly if you want to become a pub landlord .
10 IN THE tunnel between Gloucester Road and Earls Court , the train-supposedly bound for Richmond-has come to a halt : 25 minutes pass , a hot , cross silence broken only by the coughs and tuts and groans and rattling Evening Standards of disgruntled passengers ( sorry , ‘ customers ’ ; London Underground now wishes to refer to the sad user of the subterranean network as a ‘ customer , ’ dictionary definition : n. one who buys ) .
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