Example sentences of "[is] [adv] wonder that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It is little wonder that Ormrod J. considered this the task of others in other places , and chose to sit firmly on the lid .
2 It is little wonder that Fair Isle has an unenviable history of shipwrecks .
3 In view of the Queen 's reactions it is little wonder that Lord Clarendon , the Foreign Secretary , should have half-jokingly accused the Emperor of ‘ making love to her ’ .
4 In the light of the excessive technicality seen here , it is little wonder that Lord Wilberforce in Reardon Smith Line Ltd , and the House of Lords in Ashington Piggeries proposed giving a narrower scope to s13 , confining it to matters of identification .
5 Diana , it seems , has no critics within the portals of San L 's , as the Sloanes call it , and it is little wonder that Prince Charles has never been seen descending its stairs .
6 It is little wonder that Crawford Beveridge , the chief executive of Scottish Enterprise , when searching his heart for charity , described his network 's provision for next year as ’ broadly the same level of resources as this year . ’
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