Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] an all-time [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The issue , which had allowed successive governments to mobilize national sentiment , had surfaced at a time when Serrano 's popularity ratings were at an all-time low .
2 Overuse can lead to pollution , declining groundwater levels and , eventually , to trouble of one sort or another ; internecine feuds were reported in southern Spain in the summer of 1983 when river levels were at an all-time low .
3 Dissent flared into civil war after a Sunday Telegraph Gallup poll revealed opposition to the Maastricht Treaty was at an all-time high among Tory backbench MPs .
4 World cotton consumption was a record 86m bales , and the ratio of stocks to consumption was at an all-time low .
5 At a time when America 's interest in British pop was at an all-time low , the label failed to produce one significant hit .
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