Example sentences of "[to-vb] members [prep] the public " in BNC.

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1 The objectives are to help members of the public to find their way through this information store and to transmit their orders for particular journeys or holidays to the providers of those services .
2 But he also pointed out that if this information could be included in the published part of the report , it would do much to reassure members of the public who feel uneasy about interception .
3 In many countries the stated role of the state archive is to record the history of the state , and to give members of the public access to information necessary for them to undertake their responsibilities , duties and rights as citizens .
4 Because after you listen to the evidence will be that these are professional officers doing a very difficult job and members of the public , members of the jury create very dated job they have the one objective I 've told you about to protect members of the public from further harm from what they thought was an armed criminal on the run .
5 ‘ We have to take precautions to protect members of the public and we err on the side of caution .
6 In addition , the Namibian media have not always been prepared to accord members of the public and government officials the right of reply and the rectification of inaccurate or deliberately distorted stories .
7 In addition , the Namibian media have not always been prepared to accord members of the public and government officials the right of reply and the rectification of inaccurate or deliberately distorted stories .
8 In Britain , most juries would find it depraving and corrupting to solicit members of the public to become voyeurs of an actual rape , murder , and dismemberment , but a new criminal test based not on the effect of the work , but on the circumstances of its production could provide one more useful link in the chain of criminal provisions which modern media law requires .
9 If that happens will there be a spark left to impress members of the public ?
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