Example sentences of "[vb mod] make a [adj] difference " in BNC.

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1 If she is fond of animals , providing her with a cat or a small dog of her own , if she can look after it ( and if your household as a whole would find its presence acceptable ) , may make a tremendous difference to her life .
2 For under conditions of largely unrestricted discretion , factors such as the character , attitude , training and social background of sentencers may make a considerable difference to the way their discretion is exercised .
3 short two years may make a big difference at this stage now , erm
4 Why this should make a critical difference is far from clear since a company can create a fixed charge of accounts receivable or a mortgage of future property .
5 Sterling 's devaluation should make a positive difference to industry 's competitiveness and profitability ; but the impact on exports may not be very strong while growth in continental Europe continues to slow .
6 BEING THRIFTY Some of the ways in which you can be thrifty with food will be covered in the next chapter and energy management discussed in Chapter 3 , should make a significant difference to your heating bills in the winter .
7 These modifications ( which amount mostly to improvements in the quality of pots , switches and plugs ) should make a significant difference to the way your wireless system and guitar interact .
8 And that should make a huge difference I hope .
9 It 'll make a big difference .
10 It might not matter in the end — Forester fully expected to be traced and caught-but every difficulty and delay that he could strew behind him could make a final difference of hours or even minutes that might determine the distinction between success or failure .
11 But nevertheless if it were handled properly the high-yielding seeds of African maize , upland rice and cassava which are on the way could make a real difference .
12 S yes so rent reduction will , could make a significant difference in the south because you 've essentially got a landlord tenant society
13 So have a strategy ready — it could make a big difference to how you cope .
14 As Ive said to Arif before ( direct email ) , I think O'Leary could make a BIG difference — especially for Fairclough .
15 He absolutely worshipped them and I am sure the sound of the players ’ voices could make a big difference . ’
16 If Joseph gave him an exhibition it could make a huge difference to Leary 's reputation , yet she wondered how likely it was that Joseph would help him .
17 At the moment , as far as I know , there is on the market no computer that really can have a large memory and is also within the price range for the ordinary primary school or home , but if these new falling prices of memory do come as quickly as some people are predicting , then that could make a huge difference .
18 AELTC Registered and Approved would make a great difference to parental peace of mind , and to support from outside sponsors .
19 If Banks could be persuaded to cancel debts , it would make a great difference to the countries concerned .
20 Companies like Sequent Computer Systems Corp and Pyramid Technology Corp are technologically compatible — but painfully small to make much difference , which suggests that a bold move for another technologically compatible company — with a nice sideline fit in telecommunications — Tandem Computers Inc , is the smallest acquisition that would make a real difference — but it 's hard to see cautious Siemens being that bold .
21 The small extra amount of money for that purpose already approved by the Commission would make a tremendous difference .
22 This is not to say that the other ten players do n't have to be good as well ( Witness Everton & Man Shitty ) , but I do feel a ‘ top drawer ’ keeper would make a tremendous difference to Leeds .
23 ‘ If only we could get taken on by three or four large farms with big dairy herds , it would make a tremendous difference — large cheques paid regularly and on time . ’
24 Bringing higher education closer to industry and the people here would make a tremendous difference economically , socially and psychologically . ’
25 That would make a tremendous difference to the opportunities for women to go into parliament , and the kind of women you 're talking about .
26 Perhaps the alteration appears slight , no more than cosmetic , but it would make a considerable difference to defensive attitudes , especially in Britain , without undermining the spirit of the offside law .
27 The PS is trying to draw the ecologists into a pact and this would make a considerable difference to the outcome .
28 Restringing and stretching in the strings properly would make a big difference here .
29 That would make a big difference . ’
30 be too big and one could be too small , which would make a big difference .
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