Example sentences of "[pos pn] fingers [verb] around [art] " in BNC.

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1 I grab the butt , with my fingers curled around the reel seating , and strike .
2 Sheldukher whispered in the Doctor 's ear His fingers tightened around the trigger of his laser pistol .
3 His fingers tightened around the steering-wheel , their knuckles draining white .
4 His fingers curled around the butt of the gun , taking up a gentle purchase on the trigger .
5 The youth snaked his hand behind the door but as his fingers curled around the hilt of the sheathed poniard Graham appeared behind him and pressed the Beretta into his back .
6 His fingers closed around the soft flesh of her upper arms , as if he intended to shake her , then his face changed , the anger was leashed , and he said , ‘ You 're shivering . ’
7 Gently , so very gently , his fingers wrapped around the back of her neck , warm beneath her hair .
8 ‘ Look at me , ’ Rourke demanded softly , and when she did n't obey his fingers slid around the curve of her throat , his thumb tracing the line of her jaw .
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