Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] around the door " in BNC.

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1 I made my way through the crowds to Farr 's in Brown Street , managed to get right up to the entrance and poke my head around the door to see what was going on .
2 The owner of the Home may pop her head around the door and say , ‘ I 'm going into the town today , can I do anything for you ? . ’
3 The children were watching TV peacefully , but Annie saw her as she bobbed her head around the door , gave a pleased gurgle and started to scramble down .
4 Wendy put her head around the door .
5 I then drafted a statement for the management side and sent it by hand to Mellowes who was sufficiently impressed by this initiative to pop his head around the door an hour later with a look of something less than mistrust .
6 Herr Nordern told him , barking savagely at an innocent Paul who poked his head around the door to ask what time they wanted lunch .
7 James poked his head around the door of the office adjacent to Stephen 's .
8 Catching wind of the disturbance , he poked his head around the door and in his early-morning voice , like a flute with catarrh , he threw the inquiry in the direction of Mr Crumwallis .
9 Then a regular popped his head around the door , like an extra in an old Gracie Fields film , and said : ‘ Hey , I think there 's a fire up at Meadowbanks . ’
10 As Zen approached his office , the inspector who had been trying to trace Ubaldo Valesio 's movements poked his head around the door of the next room .
11 Put your head around the door of a betting shop and you will see why .
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