Example sentences of "[v-ing] a glance at the " in BNC.

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1 That is , of course , when I was n't actually casting an eye at the rope and pulley high over the hall or taking a glance at the shotgun .
2 Leith was still gasping at his audacity as well as at his discernment when , flicking a glance at the way her chestnut hair was fastened in a repressive knot , he inserted with another glance at her severe hairstyle , ‘ Now why would a beautiful woman , with equally beautiful hair , try to hide her beauty behind glasses which she clearly does n't need , try to minimise the beauty of her splendid hair , and also try to detract attention from what I clearly recall is a figure of delightful shape and proportions ? ’
3 John le Grant sat with the others , casting a glance at the pitcher as he passed .
4 ‘ He had been there for two nights , sinking deeper and deeper , ’ but the troops , obsessed by their own suffering , passed by without so much as casting a glance at the wretched beast .
5 An example of this would be a secretary who angrily snatches a piece of paper from the typewriter while shooting a glance at the manager who is standing too near for comfort .
6 She drew in a deep breath , shooting a glance at the large clock opposite her , wishing the interview was over .
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