Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] all directions [coord] " in BNC.

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1 There is a direction board and batteries of traffic lights pointing in all directions but exit from a canoe is far from easy .
2 By the time we were off the Capes , there was water flying in all directions and glad cries as the Bénéteaus surfed down the glassy fronts of the swells .
3 Erm it seems to me erm that there 's a danger that if Professor Lock has his way when the elephant comes crashing through into the clearing he will be sending Richonds Richmondshire 's sheep flying in all directions and er will be er affecting lots of other other agricultural creatures at the same time .
4 However , the extraordinary pleasure of seeing a bunch of terrified men running in all directions and in complete disarray spurred us into action .
5 Reluctantly , Dot slid down from the bed while Loopy Lil beamed kindly , eyes swivelling in all directions and tried to help wash Dot 's face at the wash-stand and brush her hair .
6 He said : ‘ They were shooting in all directions but as I drove towards them on my tractor they started to run .
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