Example sentences of "[vb base] a suspicion that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The worst bits in the book raise a suspicion that it was hastily written , or not rigorously edited : ‘ I mean , we were teenagers .
2 I have a suspicion that my clothes-sense around the side roads of Frenchay and Stapleton shocks a few of my friends .
3 Even if we can convince ourselves that nobody is getting hurt , even if we are sure we are not cheating , we have a suspicion that it is inappropriate . ’
4 I did n't expect them to eat the blue-green stuff — have you smelled it ? but I have a suspicion that it gets a toehold on spots where other algae are already in residence .
5 I had queried his dose of Dexamethazone with a nurse earlier , and she assured me he was getting it in his drip , but I have a suspicion that it had been reduced or even forgotten .
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