Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] [noun sg] of variance " in BNC.

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1 Conversely , fractional albumin clearance fell with both treatments from 0 to 6 months ( although not significantly ) but then rose to pretreatment values after 12 months with hydrochlorothiazide , whereas it fell further with enalapril ( one way analysis of variance of the treatment-time interaction for enalapril group , p=0.022 ) .
2 One way analysis of variance was used to compare the mean levels of diabetic control in three or more groups .
3 We analysed differences between multiple groups in age distribution and the number of cigarettes smoked daily by means of the Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance .
4 There was no difference between the categories of the diagnosis with regard to age distribution ( χ 2 =3.11 , df=4 , p=0.54 ; Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance ) .
5 No significant difference was found between the histological categories with regard to the number of cigarettes smoked a day ( χ 2 =5.07 , df=4 , p=0.27 ; Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance ) .
6 Normally distributed data were analysed by one way analysis of variance or paired t test and abnormally distributed data by Wilcoxon 's rank-sum test .
7 Statistical comparison was by one way analysis of variance followed by comparison between groups by Fisher 's least significant difference in all experiments .
8 A non-parametric one way analysis of variance , the Kruskal-Wallis H-test , was used for examination of a global difference between all groups .
9 Statistical evaluation of the results was performed by use of Student 's t test or one way analysis of variance followed by Duncan 's test , where application .
10 Statistical significance of the data was evaluated by one way analysis of variance using Kramer 's test for multiple comparison .
11 Comparison of means was analysed by one way analysis of variance .
12 Statistical comparison of tumour growth rate was by two way analysis of variance ( time and treatment regimen ) and tumour weight and DNA content by one way analysis of variance , p values <0.01 were considered significant for the two way analysis and p values <0.05 for the one way analysis .
13 Results were analysed using one way analysis of variance and the Mann-Whitney U test .
14 Bartlett 's test was performed to confirm equality of variances and data sets were then compared using one way analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) .
15 One way analysis of variance with ‘ a posteriori ’ Scheffé test or Kruskall-Wallisone way analysis of variance by ranks were used , when necessary , to assess the influence of the severity of the disease upon fatty acid profile in these patients .
16 In vitro data were analysed by a one way analysis of variance .
17 The statistical significance of the results was assessed by one way analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) , χ 2 test and regression analysis as appropriate .
18 The results of sequential APGPR propeptide assay of urine and serum were analysed using the Wilcoxon matched pairs signed ranks test and the urinary APGPR concentrations and excretion from normal and morbidly obese groups analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) .
19 Statistical analysis of incremental hormone responses after test stimuli was carried out by two way analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) , with substance and site as the two factors .
20 Because of the two factor experimental design ( substance and site ) , two way analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) was carried out on the incremental hormone responses after the test stimuli .
21 Statistical comparison of tumour growth rate was by two way analysis of variance ( time and treatment regimen ) and tumour weight and DNA content by one way analysis of variance , p values <0.01 were considered significant for the two way analysis and p values <0.05 for the one way analysis .
22 Differences in duodenal prostaglandin release were determined using a two way analysis of variance for multiple comparisons , and the Student 's t test for single comparisons .
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