Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] naked [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rebecca had silk slippers on her feet , with the device that the King had granted the Everards embroidered on them : it had amused her , during the serene days between squalls on the voyage from Plymouth , to sit on deck and stitch the image of the seamonster harnessed by the naked man , halfway up to his waist in water , while natives in feather skirts cavorted on the shore behind .
2 THE earth moved for a naked couple making love in a tunnel — as a TRAIN thundered right over them .
3 When the book did appear , in beautiful , almost square duodecimo format , it was adorned with a naked figure , the hero , embossed on the end board .
4 These eggs are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye .
5 There are even several , in addition to the Pleiades , which can be seen with the naked eye ; Præsepe in Cancer ( the Crab ) and the Jewel Box in the Southern Cross are other examples .
6 He says that it can be seen for the next week or so in the west , but it 's too faint to be seen with the naked eye .
7 He showed some incredible coloured slides giving close-up detail of petal formation and patterns not often seen by the naked eye .
8 The bone shows very fine splitting along the lines of orientation of the collagen fibres ( Fig. 1.4A ) and slight erosion of the pits and canals , but these are only visible under high magnification and can not be seen by the naked eye .
9 During this time Alcock had begun the long process of memorising the night sky ; by 1932 he already knew the position of most stars that can be seen by the naked eye .
10 Others including Anthias species , Cardinal fish and the colourful Royal Gramma are zooplankton feeders specialising in feeding upon macro planktonic organisms , that is zooplankton of a size easily seen by the naked eye .
11 Soon it could no longer be seen by the naked eye , but the professor continued to watch it through binoculars .
12 It would have been no use asking him whether he thought there was a unifying purpose in life , whether it could really be chance that an animal so small that it could n't be seen by the naked eye could die millions of years ago in the depths of the sea and be resurrected by science to prove a man innocent or guilty .
13 The adult worms which measure up to 2.5 cm are bloodsuckers , have a reddish colour and can be seen by the naked eye .
14 It presupposes the false theory that the size of small light sources is accurately gauged by the naked eye .
15 Soon the mask of mob rule and anarchy was replaced by the naked face of despotism , and eventually it gave way to Napoleon 's personal image of collectivism : an imperial militarism .
16 Microscopy has come a long way since the 1670s when Antonie van Leewenhoek used his relatively crude instruments to see for the first time the bacteria that inhabit worlds normally hidden from the naked eye .
17 It is known more usually under the name Gill-maggot , because of the length and shape of the female 's egg-sacs which look like miniature white maggots when viewed via the naked eye .
18 The magnification tells you how much larger an object looks that if it were viewed with the naked eye .
19 The fainter component is of magnitude 4.2 , and as the separation is 376 seconds of arc the pair can be split with the naked eye ; of course binoculars show it well .
20 A loud gasp turned to uproarious laughter , as a stream of champagne sprayed over the naked showgirl to douse the flame of the candle .
21 They involved the absence of parallax in the observed positions of the stars and the fact that Mars and Venus , as viewed by the naked eye , do not change size appreciably during the course of the year .
22 Two elderly men were crouched over a naked girl who was strapped face down to some form of wooden rack .
23 She turned , all flaxen and pink and white , haloed by the naked light bulbs round the mirror .
24 I read with interest of the lady golfer who , when confronted by a naked man wearing only a bowler hat , asked him whether he was a member , and then hit him with a Number 8 iron .
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