Example sentences of "[coord] she [vb mod] [not/n't] bear " in BNC.

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1 She loved animals , and she could n't bear to see the poor black cat trapped in the tree , unable to free itself .
2 And she could n't bear the thought of being sucked back into the ebb tide of loneliness again either .
3 Of course , Nora felt being a typist was below her , and she could n't bear the people she worked with .
4 It was Saturday so they had put up the green fee from four and sixpence to seven and six and she could n't bear to waste the money .
5 His face went rigid and she could n't bear to see his misery any longer .
6 They 'd be here , together , and she could n't bear that , but she would have to , just long enough to voice her fury .
7 He mattered to Shelley very much — as a doctor and as a person , and she could n't bear to think of him losing that precious heart to this young girl , who regarded him just as someone to pay her bills .
8 It was funny , in a Lewis Carroll sort of way , and at least the result was passable , if only as a trade magazine , whereas the woman 's magazine had been beyond a joke and she could not bear to look at the end product .
9 Her research fellowship was coming to an end , and she could not bear the prospect of ‘ hanging on ’ for another year as a freelance supervisor of undergraduates , sponging on her parents .
10 For one agonised moment she thought that Dr Neil was going to insist , to touch her again , and she could not bear that — no , no , not that !
11 Emily had meant to wait until her father had eaten but she could n't bear the suspense a moment longer .
12 But she could n't bear to go back into the bedroom , with all its bitter-sweet memories , so she left the ice bucket with the champagne in the salon .
13 She knew , she thought she knew , but she could not bear to hear it .
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