Example sentences of "[vb past] round the corner [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Diana waited outside the main entrance of Great Ormond Street holding a clutch of excited little hands for a good five minutes before the Wishing Well song , which pop star Boy George had specially recorded for the appeal , struck up ; and then Father Christmas , in the shape of a heavily disguised Jimmy Tarbuck , juddered round the corner on his sleigh , pulled by two little white ponies .
2 She peered round the corner of the house .
3 as if to confirm her statement , a tall powerfully built man came round the corner of the house carrying a box of potatoes .
4 He came round the corner of his desk .
5 She breathed in to say something , but her father came round the corner of the stage .
6 Then Miguel himself came round the corner of the villa , dressed in a white open-necked shirt and dark fitted trousers .
7 They could hear the sound of music coming nearer , and everyone turned as a silver band came round the corner into the main dusty street , men dressed in grey trousers and pink shirts , their instruments glistening in the morning sun .
8 He stopped to relieve himself into the roadside bushes and almost lost his balance as a car screeched round the corner in a clatter of gravel .
9 Corbett heard a savage barking and two of the great dogs pounded round the corner of the wall beneath .
10 He glanced round the corner of the altar and watched a German officer who had been hit in the side of the head slump through the curtains and out of a wooden box on to the stone floor .
11 The woman walked round the corner of the house and saw a snake consuming a large Tuscan toad .
12 Now dressed in striped cotton with sensible shoes and a cardigan , she stepped into the sunshine and walked round the corner of the house .
13 From among the lemon trees , the solitary figure watched the filmy scrap of white dress that was Shelley Cameron , until it vanished round the corner like a beautiful wood spirit .
14 lived round the corner to us
15 On the next day he took Lane with him , together with a woman detective whose services he had borrowed , and went round the corner into Queen Charlotte 's Alley to visit Sarah Fleming .
16 I waved goodbye and went round the corner to the wines and spirits .
17 When he went round the corner to her room and knocked , she would have to pretend that she had been down to the kitchens .
18 She was told to sit tight while he went round the corner to the newsagent , returning with an armful of print .
19 He went round the corner of the building shining his lamp but nothing was to be seen .
20 ‘ Stead of that , she went round the corner of the stable , and she hit the corner of the barn and turned the tumbril right over , that did !
21 He shivered ; he put the central heating on ‘ constant ’ ; he went round the corner for a bottle of whisky .
22 After a moment , she crept out of her room and looked round the corner of the landing , down the stairs .
23 Felipe strode round the corner at that precise moment and he simply exploded .
24 As they stood in the rain trying to hail a cab , Fräulein Müller and Lapointe disappeared round the corner of the gleaming facade of the Theater an der Wien .
25 It disappeared round the corner of the house .
26 No , it disappeared round the corner at fifty miles an hour , off to a dawn raid on drug smugglers .
27 He suggested they meet at a bar he knew round the corner from the Place de Grève .
28 Kicking at pine cones on the path , Mungo was halfway to the top of the slope when a slight figure appeared round the corner of the station entrance .
29 In a state of some exasperation , he was about to organize his car back to Pangbourne , when Felicity appeared round the corner of one of the make-up caravan .
30 It appeared round the corner with loud threats of speed , but the colt that it startled from among the gorse , which still flickered indistinctly in the raw afternoon , outdistanced it at a canter ( 2 ) .
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