Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] at [art] forefront " in BNC.

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1 To be expected to relinquish this power , and give up some of the spoils to the likes of SARU , who had been at the forefront in demanding the non-participation of the Springboks in international competition since it was ‘ impossible to play normal sport in an abnormal society ’ , must , understandably , be a difficult to swallow .
2 Sri Lanka had been at the forefront of Asian intellectual thinking and had gained a good reputation for human rights and civil liberty before these recent years of violence and oppression .
3 He had been at the forefront of Indian film-making for more than forty years and his work has received international acclaim .
4 With Fisher 's appointment as President of the Board ( having a seat in the Cabinet ) came an undertaking that money would be made available for such post-war reconstruction ; and the policy itself was enshrined in legislation to enable the kind of educational expansion within the continuing and adult sectors which had been at the forefront of the Newbolt Committee 's deliberations.5 In practice , however , such expansion was never enacted , despite the ever-increasing reliance of the universities upon state funds ( by 1931 they were receiving slightly over half their income from this source ) ,
5 Both plays were written-by Czech dissident Vaclav Havel , who had been at the forefront in the battle against communism ever since Russian tanks rolled into Prague in 1968 .
6 Mr Jones said the NSA was fortunate in having Mr John Gittins and his family as hosts because they had been a pioneer of land improvement , while recognising the importance of conservation , and had been at the forefront in developing new commercial crossbred sheep which have proved a boon for Welsh farmers and their market awareness .
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