Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [is] submitted that " in BNC.

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1 And it is submitted that it will be void even against a subsequent chargee who has notice .
2 On the basis of this , it is submitted that the question of subsidiarity is essentially a political question for the Council , and if the Council decided to act at the Community level it would not be possible to challenge what it did simply on the basis that it could better have been done at the level of the Member States ; rather , it would be necessary to show a manifest error , a misuse of power or a clear passing of the limits of discretion , and it is submitted that the occasions when this might be done will be rare .
3 This approach was specifically rejected in Gledhow by Sellers LJ and it is submitted that he was right to do so .
4 But it is submitted that a ‘ body of persons ’ has a collective character independently of the question whether it is a mercantile body or not , which the law is bound to protect ; in other words that any such body can sue in respect of an imputation of any conduct whatsoever of which its agents , and therefore itself by its agents , can be guilty .
5 A literal interpretation of section 8 might suggest that the ability to plead the jus tertii provides the defendant with a defence , but it is submitted that in such a case the provisions of section 7 preserve the common law rule that a claimant relying on a possessory interest may recover the full value of the thing converted .
6 At the time of publication the county courts in London have yet to adopt this rate , but it is submitted that there can be little real argument that the same rate should not be applied .
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