Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] the far east " in BNC.

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1 He added that he did wish , however , to impress upon the Department the importance which the Korean Government and people attached to their apparent exclusion from the defense plans of the United States in the Far East .
2 A combative mood at the congress had been set at the very opening of proceedings when the first speaker in the debate on the agenda , Vladimir Bludov from Magadan in the Far East , had called for the entire politburo to resign .
3 His father , Peter , was a stylish midfield back in Gala 's Border Championship side of 1966–67 and a brilliant sevens exponent , while Rob Moffat toured with Scotland in the Far East in 1977 and coached Townsend at Galashiels Academy and Scottish Schools .
4 The threat to British interests had changed , with international Communism replacing the political and military intrigues of predator European powers and Tsarist Russia of earlier centuries , but the policies for meeting the new threat remained traditional : the judicious stationing of garrisons to protect overseas territories from external aggression and from internal subversion ; the deployment of naval forces to maintain the freedom of the seas in areas of British interest ; and the positioning of strategic reserves at key points , like Egypt and Singapore , on the imperial lines of communication through Suez to the Far East .
5 The typical barnyard ( or factory-farm ) pig — whatever its breed — is almost certainly descended from the Eurasian wild boar Sus scrofa , whose natural range covers a broad sweep from south-western Spain to the Far East .
6 The deal means Courtaulds will explore European , American and Canadian markets for Toray while the Japanese company develops business for Courtaulds in the Far East .
7 Once the route round Africa to the Far East was established and the Muslims who controlled the land across the Middle East had been outflanked , the spice and silk trade of the Mediterranean began slowly to decline .
8 , John Kidston ( 1893–1983 ) , businessman , was born 19 February 1893 in London , the elder son and second of four children of John Swire of Hillingdon House , Harlow , Essex , and his wife Emily Kidston , and the grandson of John Samuel Swire ( ‘ the Senior ’ ) who moved the emphasis of the family 's trading business from Liverpool to the Far East in the mid-1800s .
9 The commencement of a daily Qantas service to Australia via the Far East and Gulf Air 's start on the Abu Dhabi routes bodes well for the future , ’ said Manchester Airport chief executive , Gil Thompson .
10 ‘ I think a wife 's place is by your side , whether it 's in the kitchen or making a programme in some remote corner of the globe , ’ said Keith , who is planning to do Floyd on the Far East next year .
11 The NSR involves plans to open an all-year-round shipping route from north Norway to the Far East along Russia 's northern coast .
12 During the 1920s American opinion was worried by the increasing power of Japan in the Far East , coupled with the continuing weakness of the Chinese government .
13 Relations between the USA and Japan had deteriorated sharply after the successful Japanese occupation in 1931 of the Chinese province of Manchuria ; and American concern about the growing power of Japan in the Far East had greatly increased after the invasion of northern China by Japanese armies in 1937 ( AA , pp. 22–4 ) .
14 Recently there has been a change in emphasis within the textile industry from Europe to the Far East , and CAC has had to react to this new situation .
15 GKR laid the foundations of a world network in the 1970s which broadened in the following decade from Europe to the Far East .
16 The same document underlined British ( and Commonwealth ) usefulness in a vast segment of the world from Europe to the Far East .
17 Plans are also in hand to extend the railway to Beckton in the far east .
18 Diligent French missionaries , like Père Nicholas d'Incarville in the Far East and others in Canada and South America collected many plants , seeds of which were sent to Chelsea by Claude Richard , the King 's Gardener .
19 According to the 1989 census , Russians accounted for just over half ( 50.8 per cent ) of the total population ; the balance was accounted for by a hundred or more different national groups , ranging from a few hundred Negidals in the Far East to the major Slavic and Muslim groups which occupied the west and south of the country as well as Russia proper .
20 The old imperial line of communication through the Mediterranean , Suez Canal , Red Sea and Indian Ocean to the Far East and the Antipodes would be just as important to the Commonwealth as it had been to the colonial Empire .
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