Example sentences of "[adv] been incorporated [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , as these foods also contain fat they have already been incorporated under the goals for fat and so need not be repeated here .
2 Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact that much of the new technology which had been developed before and during the war had already been incorporated into the capital stock .
3 But sociological explanations of this kind have nevertheless been incorporated into the general category of positivist criminology because of their implication that the invention is not freely made but forced : some problem confronted by individuals in their environment pushes them out of convention and into crime .
4 Key features of Sun Microsystems Inc 's SunOS have also been incorporated into the new release , Esix says , adding that it is also conformant with IEEE P1003.1 Posix .
5 The logic of this change in attitude is expressed in educational terms in the Warnock Report , the findings of which have now been incorporated into the Education Act .
6 She returned with the FPL to take over the town which has now been incorporated into the Chalatenango controlled zone :
7 Moreover , a substantial proportion of the council housing built on low-density suburban estates in the inter-war period has now been incorporated into the owner-occupied sector and no longer provides a route for lower-income households wanting to move into the suburbs .
8 Comments made by all parties consulted have now been incorporated into the Environmental Statement for the Hunterston Dry Store .
9 A joint task force identified a number of areas in which changes were needed — for example , requiring the auditor to attend stock-taking , direct confirmation of debtors and guidance on illegal acts — most of which have now been incorporated in the ISAs .
10 Some of the suggestions — including a crossword , a staff letters page and a health and safety column — have now been incorporated in the paper .
11 Nevertheless , the attitudes which Wordsworth adopted towards industrialization were successfully transmitted to the later nineteenth century , and ultimately down to our own day , where they have sometimes been incorporated into the law of the land .
12 A presidential decree of Jan. 24 established the Russian Federation Ministry of Security ( RFMS ) , on the basis of the Russian Federal Security Agency [ see pp. 38654 ; 38731 ] and the Inter-Republican Security Service , which had been the successor to the USSR KGB [ see p. 38654 ] and had then been incorporated into the Russian Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs , abolished in January as being unconstitutional [ see p. 38731 ] .
13 AMES is a channel for the incorporation of those sectors of women who , on account of their specific conditions ( housewives , professionals , some teachers , slum-dwellers and students ) have not yet been incorporated into the popular struggle .
14 Given that these indicators already exist for Local Authorities , it is surely indefensible to fail to explore their potential for improving the equity of resource allocation , and perhaps surprising that they have not yet been incorporated in the formulae for assessing GRE .
15 The difference between this , the mutation rate , and the lower rate at which change has actually been incorporated in the histone gene during evolution , is a measure of the effectiveness of natural selection in preserving this ancient document .
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