Example sentences of "[adv] in [pos pn] left hand " in BNC.

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1 Clasper threw the useless microphone to the ground and thrust a rolled up newspaper aloft , which he brandished furiously in his left hand .
2 He watched her fumble for an intentionally long time in her handbag for the means of lighting the Turkish cigarette she held aloft in her left hand , only a foot or so away from Mark 's head .
3 She poured herself a gin and tonic and took up a position she had frequently occupied since the kidnap — standing by the lounge window , staring out into the garden , glass cupped in her right hand and cradled against her breast like a child , cigarette held aloft in her left hand , mouth half-open , eyes fixed intently on some distant and perhaps invisible object .
4 She held her glass aloft in her left hand , waved hugely with her right .
5 Jammed into one of the blocks was a bright-green electrical wire , the other end of which ran to one of the jaws of the wooden clothes-peg Quinn held aloft in his left hand .
6 They approached him at a steady pace as though unconcerned by his presence , but they went in single file , Allen with his hand lying lightly on the knife at his belt and Marian carrying her bow , strung , and with an arrow ready notched , lightly and inconspicuously in her left hand .
7 Striped blazer with brass buttons , tennis ‘ whites ’ , blue shoes with white spats , a pair of kid gloves held casually in his left hand , here was young , working-class Glasgow out on a spree .
8 With the rock still grasped firmly in his left hand , he began to negotiate the glowing gap .
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