Example sentences of "[noun prp] sit [prep] [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 Maisie sat in the corner of the kitchen with one chocolate bar in her mouth , another in her right hand , another in her lap and a fourth beside her on the draining board , in case anything should happen to the other three .
2 When they reached the Lion d'Or , the first person they saw was Jack Hammond sitting in a corner of the terrace .
3 Vargas sat in the corner drinking coffee and reading a newspaper .
4 Suddenly , the major noticed General Kopyion sitting in a corner of the room , watching him .
5 When she went to the dining-room she was disappointed to find only Matt sitting at the corner table , while of Silas there was no sign .
6 Christmas clothes how you fill in the blanks , I saw something come sailing by , that 's quite good Little Jack Horner sat in the corner eating his
7 Roman sat on a corner of her desk and looked at her with such a grave expression that she cried out in alarm .
8 Louise Taylor sat in the corner of the room , her legs tucked under her ; she rested her chin on her knees .
9 Henry sat on the corner of a table , one fat leg swinging .
10 Ron Barton sat by a corner table in the Black Chapati in Circus Parade , New England Road , watching Amaranth Wilikins take lunch with David Swan .
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