Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] ensure that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the hon. Gentleman wishes to make a particular point about his locality , he should write to me about it and I shall ensure that account is taken of his views .
2 In lofts , you must ensure that condensation can not cause deterioration of the roof structure or of any thermal insulating materials that are fixed or laid within it .
3 But you need to remember that the menu should not be too large ( some essays become very front-heavy with preliminaries ) ; and you should ensure that items you have placed on the menu are actually served up to the reader later .
4 That seems to be the only way to prevent the piecemeal fragmentation of present facilities , and I would be grateful if you could ensure that steps will be taken to implement these measures .
5 She will ensure that women 's voices are heard at the highest level .
6 The reason for this is that if you put the female pupae in the tube before they hatch to the adult stage , you will ensure that females mate only with the type of male you put in the tube .
7 That way , you will ensure that people will be pleased — they all want free time — and the programme does n't suffer .
8 In view of what you , Mr. Speaker , have had to say about the Consolidated Fund Bill , can you give some assurance that , if this matter about Maxwell and him laundering money is raised , you will ensure that people such as Arthur Scargill and Peter Heathfield will be given special tickets to sit in the Gallery so that they can hear the debate and so that they can draw the attention of various channels to the fact that perhaps Mr. Lightman should investigate the missing Maxwell millions , and perhaps we can find out whether Roger Windsor , Mr. Maxwell 's nark , was paid £50,000 out of the Daily Mirror 's missing millions .
9 You can ensure that Guitarist hits your doormat each month like an E7£9 from a ‘ 67 plexi Marshall by simply filling in the form below .
10 In assisting a client in defining or refining its acquisition criteria , we should ensure that consideration is given to the following parameters : —
11 Obviously a longer , longer lead in on that , erm , and , and the county would , clearly need to put some funding into the development to ensure that those er , those satellite businesses operate , and only when you fund those out of the rural economic development 's initiative , but it seems to me to be important that we should ensure that businesses operating in the rural parts of the county have equal access to the facilities of business link and business advice .
12 But we must ensure that changes are implemented quickly and on the scale needed to address the current problems .
13 We must ensure that air , water , landscape and heritage are protected .
14 It is all very well for us to say that we must ensure that prisoners are properly employed , but when the unemployment figures increase every month in the east midlands , there is resentment and resistance to prison inmates engaging in meaningful work as such work would probably take away jobs outside the prison .
15 We must ensure that farmers realise that it is in their interests to restore the habitat and hedges .
16 We must ensure that hospitals have well thought out discharge plans for every individual , whether he or she has been in hospital for five years or just five days , and that follow-up and after-care services are available for a lifetime if necessary .
17 Where this form of wording is used , we must ensure that acknowledgement is received from the client in writing prior to commencing work on the engagement .
18 This week is Christian Aid week , and we must ensure that people earn a fair return for their labour .
19 We will ensure that guarantees mean what they say , and that manufacturers or importers share responsibility with the people who sell their goods .
20 We will ensure that inspection reports are published and widely available .
21 The general principle of the Government 's policy is clear : we will ensure that people who commit fraud and swindles are brought to book through the courts .
22 We will ensure that access to abortion is equally available in every region .
23 And we will ensure that 10% of our weekly journalism on the new channel will come from independents .
24 We will ensure that schools are free to participate .
25 Many Germans seem to have convinced themselves that by ‘ taking Gorbachev at his word ’ ( to borrow a phrase of the currently almost speechless Hans-Dietrich Genscher , the foreign minister ) , they could ensure that things went well in the Soviet Union ; and that Saddam Hussein could be shifted without war .
26 They will ensure that Britain is ready for the challenges of the 1990s .
27 Vendors , who will recruit the independent software vendors , will pledge that they will ensure that systems will run branded software for at least three years .
28 Doubtless a sort of graphite derivative , it should ensure that tuning stays smooth and ping free .
29 Swinging himself into the saddle , Guy turned Chalon 's head towards Winchester and began to consider the various means whereby he could ensure that Isabel belonged to him while he was giving her the time she needed .
30 It claimed it would ensure that money in the health service ‘ followed the patient ’ , which Labour was not opposed to , but in fact the bill meant the patient would have to follow the money and the contracts .
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