Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] been subjected to " in BNC.

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1 First of all I had been subjected to two substantial costs consequent upon some unexplained administrative delay .
2 ANOTHER Budget bites the dust and I am assailed by the sobering realisation that though I 've been subjected to a fair number of them now , I have n't really understood any .
3 My family and I have been subjected to unprovoked stone-throwing and spitting by gangs of youths who I presume are from right wing groups .
4 Since this news broke , I have been subjected to numerous snide remarks concerning my ability to spot a footballer when I see one .
5 The passage could be read as ‘ this is not my ‘ Histoire de l'oeil ’ , but a male story that I have been subjected to ’ , or as ‘ this is not ‘ L'Histoire de l'oeil ’ but my story of the eye which is not a his-story but a hystery , i.e. a female story ’ .
6 And was it any wonder she 'd fled , if she 'd been subjected to the same bullying and threats by an earlier generation of de Rocheforts ?
7 Oxford Crown Court heard today that she 'd been subjected to repeated indecent assaults by her mother 's ex-boyfriend at their home in the Wantage area between 1985 and 1987 .
8 Maybe just some Iranian hotheads getting upset because they think they 've been subjected to a con trick by the arms dealers .
9 Other men confirmed that they had been subjected to her unwanted attentions and ‘ filthy language ’ over six years but had not reported her .
10 These components were , therefore , far more representative of the structure of G-BEBP than two brand new units would have been ; indeed the period in which they had been subjected to the stresses and strains of flight was remarkably similar to that of the accident aircraft .
11 Following a meeting with Collor on Aug. 26 , the 27 state governors acknowledged the need for amendments but refused to endorse the changes as proposed until they had been subjected to a wider debate .
12 These forms of strict liability have been retained by the Animals Act 1971 and , though they have been subjected to considerable modification , much of the old learning will continue to be relevant .
13 The village is almost completely destroyed , which is not surprising , due to the bombardments that it has been subjected to since 6th June by British artillery and naval guns .
14 The successful re-use of an existing iron structure depends on the quality of the original construction and whether it has been subjected to significant alterations .
15 However , it has been subjected to a most rigorous French testing and evaluation scheme since its formation in the 1960s and the emphasis is on fast growth rates , lean meat , a high proportion of meat to bone and ease of calving .
16 On the left is a sample about 1 m distant on the cave floor where it has been subjected to trampling by the owls and other small animals .
17 Because of , rather than despite its fame , it has been subjected to a prolonged critical attention ( Clinard 1964 ; Lemert 1967 ; Taylor , Walton , and Young 1973 ; Thio 1975 ) .
18 But the histone H4 document has n't just been copied , it has been subjected to natural selection .
19 This was recognised by Sir Ernest Gowers in The Complete Plain Words : [ L ] egal draftsmen have to ensure to the best of their ability that what they say will be found to mean precisely what they intended , even after it has been subjected to detailed and possibly hostile scrutiny by acute legal minds …
20 He spoke the truth but not until it had been subjected to the most stringent test — himself !
21 The damage to the alliance was eventually repaired , but it had been subjected to the most serious strain of the post-war period .
22 The skin , he noted , was still tinged golden — that faint tone which signified to those in the know that he had been subjected to the bi-annual treatment of Longivex , the Imperial longevity drug which , because of the rarity of the poppy from which it was produced , was restricted to the élite , the favoured few such as the royal family , the privileged , the very rich — and he frowned as he wondered how long it would be before the absence of the drug showed in his physique and appearance .
23 It was not easy , even for a German captain , to intervene at this stage , but once he had been subjected to a long discussion and much persuasion , he contacted the SS in Tabiano and managed to have us set free .
24 Prime Minister John Compton defended Fostin by saying that he had been subjected to unjustified attacks in the press over the poor state of the country 's roads .
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