Example sentences of "[noun pl] scattered [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And that means fiddly switches scattered haphazardly across the dash and centre console like bits of shot fired from a blunderbuss .
2 You 'll what you 'll end up with is different organisations managing houses scattered all over the city .
3 With the enclosure of the open fields and the redistribution of the land mostly in compact blocks instead of strips scattered all over the parish , one would have expected the old open-field village to disintegrate as the village farmers built new farmsteads on their allotments .
4 Take Henry I , for example , the king who never smiled again , our teacher told us , after he had lost his only son and heir , in the White Ship : then they found he had twenty-four little baskets scattered all round the country .
5 Until the move in the 1860s to a new building with adequate space , it was dispersed on shelves scattered all over the old one , with the books crowded three rows deep on the shelves so that only those in the front row were visible , and no catalogue of it existed .
6 What would he do with Harry 's body when he found it at last , but toss it back again to go downstream as he willed it to go , and leave its poor slender bones scattered all along the banks of Severn without a name or a resting-place ?
7 But even when there were teams of twenty or thirty workmen ‘ tripping over each other ’ , as Laura told a friend , with beds scattered all over the place and no curtains , ‘ it still has a very romantic atmosphere ’ .
8 There were American military bases scattered all over the Islands : they were there to protect the Pacific .
9 There were incendiaries scattered all over the airfield for days , being picked up and made safe — another job for the armourers .
10 He produced two large atlases of estate maps ; the Stowe Atlas of thirty-three manuscript maps on vellum , detailing estates owned by the Grenville family around Kilkhampton , and the Lanhydrock Atlas of four large volumes containing 258 manuscript maps on vellum , compiled between 1694 and 1699 , of properties scattered widely over the county belonging to the Robartes family .
11 There were bodies scattered all over the road , people lying on the pavement and propped against walls .
12 In some cases , devitrification begins at centres scattered regularly throughout the whole mass , and this can produce very attractive effects .
13 The searcher who depends solely on browsing at the shelves can miss other related items scattered elsewhere in the collection .
14 There were fields on either side with occasional stands of pine trees scattered unpredictably over the landscape .
15 and erm these were poultry breeders be erm scattered all over the count er county who yes the erm accredited poultry breeding station scheme was erm initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and erm there were a number of farms scattered all over the county erm where they were open to inspection and erm we had erm had a Mrs who went round and inspected the flocks and erm they had to reapply each year to erm sustain their accreditation
16 The cigarettes scattered all around the floor .
17 A scrawny cloth cap and neck nods to the Pope who has got himself several small stalls supported with bent cardboard boxes scattered variously along the roadsides .
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