Example sentences of "[pers pn] leaned [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I leaned over on the wheel .
2 I leaned back on the young tree that as a sapling had been the Killer .
3 I leaned back in the wooden chair and stretched .
4 I leaned back against the cushions feeling too full .
5 Warm in the sleeping-bag , I leaned back against the after-wall of Joanna 's cuddy , drinking my cocoa before settling down to sleep .
6 I leaned back against the high , wooden bench , assessing Ralemberg as a true businessman who knew the workings of the London market .
7 She leaned helplessly against the wall .
8 Temptation beckoned , her eyes closed , she leaned weakly against the door , heart pounding .
9 She leaned slackly against the square pillar in the middle of the row of columns which divided room from terrace , and looked into the snowy distance .
10 She leaned heavily on the word ‘ both ’ and Gina knew it was n't the puppy she meant .
11 Pressing her foot against his , she leaned forward across the table .
12 Carrie bit back a sharp reply and instead she leaned forward across the littered table .
13 ‘ I wish I were you , ’ Alexandra said , ‘ I wish I were a mouse , ’ and then , drawn inexorably , she leaned forward across the table and looked down through the closed window at her mother 's upturned face below .
14 She leaned forward into the fading light and looked at him intently .
15 Charlotte did get the position of nanny and often travelled on the same train home on her days off , always in the first compartment behind the tender and always hoping that she would see Albert , which she often did and she leaned out of the window to talk to him when the train stopped in the stations .
16 She leaned out of the open window .
17 She leaned out of the window , half-terrified , half-hopeful that he would look up and see her .
18 She leaned out of the window , trying to enjoy the fresher air ; a scent of burning rubber drifted in .
19 To the right , Ajayi knew , If she leaned out from the balcony ( which she did not like to do as she was a little afraid of heights ) , she would be able to see the quarries , and the start of the thin , also snow-covered and treeless line of stunted hills .
20 And yet she held her breath as she leaned out from the cover of the first-floor corridor , and hung cautiously over the oak rail .
21 I imagine she leaned eagerly over the desk towards me , as towards a pupil who has made a good point in his essay , smiling and nodding encouragingly .
22 She leaned lightly against the soft wool of his dark cashmere coat .
23 She leaned close to the woman 's ear and said urgently , ‘ Do n't move , madame .
24 And she leaned down towards the child , her thick arms going out and around her , and she lifted her into bed , saying softly , ‘ There now Is n't that nice and comfy ? ’
25 She leaned down from the horse and he did n't flinch as she grabbed his long hair and shook his head from side to side .
26 She leaned back against the seat , her hands pressed between her own legs .
27 She leaned back against the settee , her eyes regarding him quizzically , and said : ‘ There .
28 She leaned back against the wall and said wearily : ‘ If you think I 'm going to attack you , forget it .
29 She leaned back against the wall and looked at him tauntingly as his head rose sharply at her tone and his eyes fastened on her .
30 She leaned back against the pillows and , sighing , closed her eyes .
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