Example sentences of "[pers pn] 's [adj] to note that " in BNC.

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1 For a store which is totally uncompromising in the wholefood and vegan pedigree of all products and meals on sale , where Rex waxes eloquently about macrobiotics and the ying and yang of food , it 's comforting to note that genuine beers fulfill his criteria quite easily .
2 But even if Saunderson 's apartment mixing-room is just a mini version of the real thing , it 's comforting to note that the man behind Inner City — an increasingly sought-after producer called to work with everyone from Samantha Fox to the Wee Papa Girl Rappers — still composes songs if not in his bedroom , then in the next to it .
3 It 's sobering to note that while the British have a mass of facetious academics for each real intellectual , and hardly any big fat writers on the lines of the US , Angela Carter , at the time of Nights at the Circus , was both these things to a world-class degree .
4 It 's interesting to note that , while the French and the English spend similar amounts of money on clothes , the French have by far the more stylist reputation .
5 It 's interesting to note that actually now we 've since made that decision the residual has as I 've said come down to nine four seven , so if we do have a new settlement of fourteen hundred we 're already ending up with a a higher level of proposed development for Greater York now , the nine seven would obviously be exceeded if we had a fourteen hundred new settlement within Greater York .
6 We we do that in terms of of of capital control for Translink and Computer Services , and it 's interesting to note that we do n't class as a debt free authority , so what we have is a number of scare stories from Vincent over there , which is irresponsible .
7 Indeed that nice it 's interesting to note that that nice Mr Gordon Brown has just rec
8 Well football pools are a splendid started because recently somebody has won just over nine hundred thousand pounds , and it 's interesting to note that he did this without exercising too much skill , as I 'm sure he 'd be the first to admit , because he enters the same numbers every week .
9 As this is the book I have turned to first ever since the first edition appeared in 1974 , it 's gratifying to note that enough people agree to take the volume into its third edition with a fourth on the way .
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