Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] specially [vb pp] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the reserves have specially built hides which you can use , to give you the best and closest vantage point for watching the birds .
2 Writers such as Paul Screeton and Andrew Collins have speculated on the existence of an ‘ inner priesthood ’ , whereby certain churches on particularly sacred sites have specially selected clergy .
3 Some nymphs have specially shaped heads and legs , so that when facing the current , they are pushed against stones into which they fit , and which save them from being washed away — certainly a case of going with the elements !
4 Mr Boutros-Ghali called on governments to keep specially trained units on stand-by , available to him in an emergency .
5 But this week The Mobility Roadshow , organised by the Department of Transport , brings together more than 170 companies catering for disabled people — ranging from international car manufacturers to small firms making specially designed aids .
6 Three planning departments employ consultants to produce specially commissioned studies .
7 Many hotels use specially designed sets of documents to provide them with their required information .
8 They created the atmosphere and mood , but the narrative was told by the dolls using specially created movements which could be called dances of character .
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