Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] doubled over the " in BNC.

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1 People know there is no tourism policy , and the number of personnel has doubled over the last years , but are we getting better services ?
2 The official Photochemical-Oxidant Review Group believes levels have doubled over the last 100 years , as a result of industrialisation .
3 ‘ Staff numbers had doubled over the previous five to six years and a programme of change had been thrust upon us by the market , ’ explained .
4 The number of companies mentioning environmental issues in their annual reports has doubled over the last year to around 18 per cent of the total .
5 Yet prostatic cancer is remarkably common ; coming third in cancer incidence after lung cancer and skin cancer in men , cases have doubled over the past 30 years and , according to experts , look set to double again by the year 2020 .
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