Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] commission for scotland " in BNC.

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1 The old Countryside Commission for Scotland , which became part of Scottish natural Heritage in April , has already lodged an objection to the new development .
2 The Scottish Secretary has chosen to pursue this ‘ non-interventionist ’ policy in the face of criticism , not only from the local communities , but from the National Trust for Scotland , the Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland and the many other professional commentators who have expressed their opposition on a variety of grounds .
3 There are similar analogies with the National Trust ( 1895 ) and the National Trust for Scotland ( 1931 ) , the Royal Fine Art Commission ( 1924 ) and the Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland ( 1927 ) , and the Countryside Commission ( 1969 ) and the Countryside Commission for Scotland ( 1968 ) .
4 This practice ended when it was declared unlawful by judicial review in 1985 ( R v Hallstrom ex parte W ) , although under Scots law it continues with monitoring by the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland .
5 Is he aware of the concern expressed by the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland about the poor food supplied by a private contractor in my constituency ?
6 The letter ( 16 February ) on behalf of the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland gives a reasoned and balanced account of the present legal framework .
7 It intends to create a new conservation agency in Scotland to replace the existing Countryside Commission for Scotland and Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland .
8 The Catholic Education Commission for Scotland welcomes the development of Short Courses in Religious and Moral Education , and endorses the considerations which led to a change in title .
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