Example sentences of "[adj] exchange rate [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A simplified illustration allows us to demonstrate the importance of a weighted exchange rate in order to capture the effect of changes in different exchange rates on the overall position .
2 Such a system may provide fairly stable exchange rates for the development of world trade and yet still permit some degree of adjustment via the exchange rate .
3 ‘ What has not been recognised is the difficulty of maintaining a stable exchange rate within the ERM unless British industry 's costs rise no faster than those of our EC competitors . ’
4 The ‘ cheap imports ’ may be the result of an over-valued exchange rate for the national currency .
5 The Moscow International Currency Exchange is soon to become a Sprint Networks customer : according to Izvestiya , the exchange will be using Sprint 's electronic mail service ; the currency exchange determines the official exchange rate of the rouble against foreign currencies at twice weekly exchange sessions .
6 The petition must state : ( i ) the amount of the debt ( in sterling , converted from any foreign currency at the official exchange rate at the date of issue of the petition , by analogy with r 6.111 ) , the consideration for it ( or , if there is no consideration , the way in which it arises ) and the fact that it is owed to the petitioner ; ( ii ) when the debt was incurred or became due ; ( iii ) if the debt includes interest or any other charge accruing from time to time , the amount or rate of the charge ( separately identified ) and the grounds upon which it is claimed to form part of the debt provided that , in the case of a petition based upon a statutory demand , only the interest claimed in the demand is included ; ( iv ) that the debt is unsecured , and either that the debt is for a liquidated sum payable immediately and the debtor appears to be unable to pay it , or that the debt is for a liquidated sum payable at some certain future specified time and the debtor appears to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay it .
7 Yet there could be no more symbolic act of defiance than a currency with a separate exchange rate against the rouble .
8 So long therefore as the central country of the Bretton Woods system pursued responsible policies , fiscal deficits in a peripheral country such as the United Kingdom generated balance of payments problems for that country , and any government seriously committed to maintaining a fixed exchange rate on the US dollar found its freedom to run such deficits severely curtailed by the commitment .
9 Although the domestic authorities do not have the immediate problem of defending a fixed exchange rate under the present system , the external situation has still had an overriding influence on most countries ' domestic policies , as was indicated by UK experience during most of the 1970s and the late 1980s .
10 This could have forced us to accept fixed exchange rates for the pound , restricting industrial growth and so putting jobs at risk .
11 Some of us remember the times of fixed exchange rates under the Bretton Woods system when we used to hear in the House details of public expenditure cuts , of how we had to let go a great deal of our reserves , and of high interest rates — all at once .
12 Economists reckon that the real exchange rate of the CFA franc is now overvalued by anything from 20-60% , depending on the country .
13 Figure 9.1 shows the movements in real exchange rates of the major currencies over the period 1974 — 88 .
14 However , such comparison of gross product per head of different countries at contemporary exchange rates with the dollar gives misleading results .
15 Profit and loss accounts in foreign currencies and cash flows included in the cash flow statement are translated into sterling at average exchange rates for the year .
16 Prices of works sold outside the US are converted into US dollars at the average exchange rates during the month of sale .
17 FOR MANY years British golfers in search of winter sunshine headed for the fairways of Spain or Portugal , but with good exchange rates against the dollar the Atlantic seaboard of the United States has become an alternative .
18 The effective exchange rates for the Deutschmark , yen , Netherlands guilder , and Swiss franc appreciated , whereas the French franc and Italian lira ( as well as the pound ) have depreciated .
19 The bipartisan commitment to the existing exchange rate within the ERM , and the endorsement of this by most commentators , would be understandable if the forecasts that the Treasury , the City and all the main conjuncture organisations have been making ever since we joined the ERM had turned out to be anywhere near correct .
20 But such matters are relative : the major currencies outside the EMS have been characterized by a high degree of exchange rate volatility , and the proper comparison is to consider the effect on intra-community exchange rates without the operation of the EMS .
21 The price you are quoted today reflects the current exchange rate for the foreign currency adjusted for interest for the period until delivery .
22 The creation of the system was interpreted by Bilson [ 1979 ] as : " … the first step back from the rugged individualism and national self-interest that lay behind the formal acceptance of flexible exchange rates at the Jamaica meetings of the International Monetary Fund in January 1976 . "
23 The truth of the matter is that the policy of placing the interests of a managed exchange rate above the real needs of the economy can only be conceived sensibly as part and parcel of a geopolitical strategy to move Britain towards participation in a Single Currency , as required by the Treaty of Maastricht .
24 Single exchange rate for the rouble .
25 In this chapter we have examined the impact of floating exchange rates on the hopes for economic and monetary union within the EC .
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