Example sentences of "[adj] care [prep] elderly people " in BNC.

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2 As we have seen , the residential care of elderly people is predominantly in the hands of private companies .
3 Devon SSD is investing in four Community Care Support Centres to replace residential care for elderly people .
4 Residential care for elderly people is , perhaps , the hottest issue for local planners : of all the districts in the Trent health region , Bassetlaw has the fastest growing population of people over 85 .
5 Guidelines from the Department of Health say that 85% of the social security element of the funding transfer should be spent on residential care for elderly people with a further 5% on their day care .
6 Residential care for elderly people : a decade of change
7 Three important studies in the Social Work Research Centre were completed during the year : on the community care for long-term psychiatric patients , on reconviction following community service and on the costs and quality of residential care for elderly people .
8 ‘ Friends of Killynure ’ fearing that , Killynure House will be closed despite claims that the present home subscribes fully to the criteria laid down in the consultative document for the provision of residential care for elderly people , now appeal to the fast growing community of Carryduff and surrounding areas to support the fight for the retention of the home by signing a petition against closure .
9 He is currently engaged in research studies on the social care of elderly people and the employment of older workers .
10 Establishing a ‘ lead agency ’ as the single source of funding for the social care for elderly people is designed to act as a financial incentive for the social services department to develop alternative and less expensive community care options .
11 Isaacs and his colleagues ( 1972 ) found that relatives ' failure to provide basic care for elderly people was often associated with their previous rejection by the elderly person .
12 If budget allocations for regions and districts are made on the basis of continuing existing spending patterns , this need will be overlooked , as most authorities do not have adequate provision for post-hospital care for elderly people .
13 In at least one area this varied according to whether a person was seen by elderly services or others , because staffing profiles were much more biased towards medical care for elderly people with mental illness , with the result that other professions , such as social work , occupational therapy , and community psychiatric nursing , were less frequently called upon .
14 It looked at formal and informal care for elderly people on their own .
15 Understanding the reasons for the decline in women 's employment after age 45 is important for community care policy , labour supply and pensions policy : older women are a major source of informal care for elderly people , yet are also a potential source of extra employees as the supply of school leavers declines during the 1990s .
16 Continuing care for elderly people in the National Health Service .
17 Firstly , institutions for long-term care for elderly people in many countries consist of nursing homes and relatively few have the numbers of long-stay hospital beds evident in the United Kingdom .
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