Example sentences of "[adj] i [modal v] assure [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm proud that in the last two years under my administration we have not had one compulsory redundancy , and it 's not easy I can assure you .
2 Those are both white I can assure you .
3 I was talking to her and I said do you work ? and she said no I do n't and she said my children are I V F children In vitro fertilization , so I said how come ? , how fascinating , she said it was n't very fascinating I can assure you , she said it took five years to have them , well she put plainly they pioneered it down there did n't they ?
4 she was one of the first anyway , so er , but it took a long time before she had them , five years ' wait , and she said , that , at the last attempt she said to her husband that 's it now , if it does n't work this time , that 's it , I 'm not having any more attempts , that 's it definitely , and they had that successfully and that 's how they had the twins , so they 're her children , they are their children , it 's just they were fertilized outside the womb , in a glass dish it 's fascinating i n't it ? she said it 's really fascinating I can assure you I said oh I can see
5 ‘ Ah , but I need to know for sure , you see , because I have some doubts , and before you ask me why I should be so concerned I will assure you that this time it is partly for my own self-esteem that I would like to know . ’
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